

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of requests from people asking me if Madam Elizabeth Crawley would give them a Blessing, or cast a certain spell for them. She does readings on (Professor Richmond) my father's paranormal collection, and often gifts the winners of our auctions with items she has cast with spells and blessings. People have written to me absolutely thrilled with these items!
For those of you unfamiliar with Madam Elizabeth--she is considered among desiccant circles (especially in Europe) as the utmost authority on all things paranormal. She is also a profound and ultra-talented Spell Caster. Madam Elizabeth can cast spells for almost anything, and has helped me out on numerous occasions. We have decided due to the great demand that we will begin auctioning items that she has either performed an ancient blessing upon, or cast with special spells from the Van Doreen Book of Spells.
I have personally been privileged enough to witness her casting a spell--the love, care and concentration she puts into it is completely inspiring. Madam Elizabeth is a Master at Lunar Phasing, Tarot, Herbs and all types of spell formation. The Boxes and roses she has cast with spells for our customers have received the most wonderful and sincere praise.
Madam Elizabeth lives in England, so the pieces she sends me will be mostly jewelry. Some will be new, and some will be older. All will be charged with superior quality Magick Spells to help you along your way. For safety she only uses Pure White Magick which also has a knack for blending with your own body vibrations, and making you feel simply wonderful all over. Madam Crowley does not want to charge a lot for these pieces, as she wishes to share her Magick with the ordinary folk who need it the most.
Good Luck and Many Blessings!
Gorgeous and outrageously Magickal Vessel. Spotted Dalmatian Jaspers. Approx 2.5" Set in Sterling Silver. Perfect for this marvelous Spell
Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active. Not only is this Vessel amazing just as it is, but it is also cast with a wonderful spell called "Cool Confidence." This is a spell that has been employed by many famous people including actors and actresses and politicians. The spell has already been cast, but when ever you feel like an extra boost, simply repeat this verse and it will trigger the spell into turbo mode:
Give me Confidence
Charisma too
Make me sassy
Through and through
Let my light
Shine all around
Let my confidence
Simply astound!
Tried and tested piece proven to be 100% effective! Time to put your best foot forward. As time ticks by the wrinkles and the sagging features start to get depressing. Don't let it get you down. What's inside is more important. Having said that, why not LOOK YOUR VERY BEST? THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING BEAUTIFUL ON THE OUTSIDE TOO!!! You can with this spell. It's a light hearted spell to make you Happy and Confident and NEW AGAIN. This is your golden opportunity to feel young--return to radiant youthfulness. This is beauty magick of the highest order. The kind used by the most glamorous and ageless persons throughout history. This is your chance to own this incredible piece of Magick. I would NEVER be without mine. I've asked Madam Crawley what makes people give this spell back to her, because I'm thinking why not look as good as possible right up into old age. Her answer was quite telling. She said that as one becomes old, and wise, you simply don't want to be seen in that light anymore. It becomes trivial. An old, wise persons mind is no longer concerned with matters of the flesh especially when you are about to transition to higher realms. So, there you have it! Right now I'M CONCERNED, so if you are also, take action now and LOOK GORGEOUS while you still feel its important! GIVE AWAY PRICE!
Why not be the center of attention? Why not have people gaze at you with admiration? Why not be the topic on everyone's lips? It's true, flesh is only temporary. It's only the "space suit" of our soul, but why not have a glamorous outfit--a youthful suit, rather than an old faded and crinkly one? This spell will get you looking just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. And believe me, you are a beautiful soul !!! good Luck and Many Blessings. Anna
Wonderful Magick here! I have a soft spot for this spell. I absolutely love the feeling I get from it, and so will YOU!
Sure, money is great, and so is success, but don't underestimate just plain old FEELING & LOOKING GOOD! It's one of the main reasons people want money anyway!!! I don't know this for sure, but I personally believe this spell makes you healthier as well. Recently I had a cold, and I put on my Honey Bee Young Ring, and the cold was gone by the end of the day. Remember these Spells are DEEP, and their actions multifaceted. I highly recommend this Spell. We don't offer it much has it's difficult to cast. Many Blessings. Anna.
Note: A question that I was asked recently, and I thought important to share the answer with you. Q. If I own more than one vessel cast with the same spell will this increase the overall power of the spell, or will I just own two vessels? A. YES, IT WILL AT LEAST DOUBLE THE POWER OF THE OVERALL SPELL. It is a highly desirable procedure in Spell-Casting to Multiply a spell in this way. There is a mechanism at work wherein the duplicated spells, combine to become greater than the whole. So, YES, it is beneficial to do this.
I've been trying hard to update Madam Crawley's spells with some of the exuberant accounts and exciting emails we have received. I am so touched by all of them, and if I don't post yours, it's not because it's any less exciting or important. I'm doing it randomly and letting the spirits guide me. This is a VERY IMPORTANT SPELL that has already helped sop many of our clients. For instance Sharon from England writes, "...all of a sudden I feel like getting out of bed in the morning. It's been so long since that was something I felt like doing. I felt like an old ugly frump now my skin is clear and my hair is shiny. My finger nails are strong too and my face looks like I've had a facelift. I credit it entirely to the Honey Bee Young Spell."
Ashton from Montana writes, "Anna I'd given up on my looks after I got 50 I figured it was down hill. ha ha. I'm so happy now that I look in the mirror I'm 20 years younger. This is like a new lease on life for me..."
Matt from Canada writes, "...this spell has done way way more than I thought it would. my lazy eye is just about corrected itself. I have not did anything but use this spell. I won't tell the DR. he would send me to the funny farm. I'll just let him think its a miricle. 'cos really it is but he wouldn't understand."
A very powerful spell using honey and moonlight--this is a CLASSIC CHARM.
This Potent spell will make you appear younger. You will soon become
fresh-faced and vibrant. Not only your looks but your entire being.
When I received the first item cast with this spell, I couldn't resist putting it on for
a little while. Almost instantly I felt a warming in my cheeks. I looked
in the mirror, and my face looked much fresher than it had before.
Madam Crawley says it should be worn for at least an hour a day to keep that vibrant feeling fresh, or more often if you have a special date, or some other reason to RADIATE.
This spell takes a long time to cast, and it is important
that the wearer acknowledge his or her improved youthfulness. This can be done simply be smiling at your new and improved self in the mirror, and saying "Thank you Goddess Venus." Note: works just as well for men as women.
Do not be surprised if there are other benefits, too. Lighter feeling, younger feeling, a sense of excitement perhaps formerly missing in your life.
Do not bid on this item if you do not need it. It is not a toy and you'll only run the price up for someone who can truly use it.
You now have the option of Madam Crawley CUSTOM ALIGNING the Vessel to "fit you like a glove!" She will fully tune and align the spell to match your exact vibrations and aura. This Vessel is of the highest caliber imaginable, and this extra little touch will send its Magick into Turbo-Charged! A TOTAL FINE TUNING OF ENERGIES! The result will be FASTER Magick! This is completely exciting to me, and the first thing I did when I heard about this was send a whole SLEW of my own Magickals to her for Personalized Energy Alignment! This type of Personal Energy Alignment would cost a small fortune elsewhere.
The Alignment is only $29.99. Basically a Give Away Price! Please note, Madam Crawley is very diligent and conscientious in her spell casting. She is offering this service as a "REMOTE" option which means it won't hold up the delivery of your item. Plus, you can also choose to have it done later, or on previously purchased items. CLICK HERE NOW! TO ORDER YOUR CUSTOM ALIGNMENT
Link will open in a new window so you won't loose your page ;)

Professional and Superior Spells cast from the Van Doren Book of Spells.
Good Luck and Blessings
Madam Crawley.

FREE USA SHIPPING. Recently International shipping cost doubled from $6.55 to $12.50 so we will now be splitting the cost with our International customers with a $6.55 International shipping fee. All Combined items will be FREE. Items will be shipped first class mail. I will do my best to get your item out within 48 hours of payment. Holidays and special occasions may cause a delay. Having said that, I often post the same day as payment.

One of the pictures we took during my recent visit with Madam Crawley in England.

Please check my other auctions to learn all about who and what is going on here! My father who recently passed away was a treasure hunter, and Madam Elizabeth Crawley being a world class Medium has been asked to do readings on the pieces in my father's collection. Not only is she a medium but also the High Preistess at a very renowned Coven is Sussex, England. I've simply fallen in love with her. I've never met a more enlightened, generous and powerful lady in my whole life. She is 97 years old, but treats life with so much joy and passion... She has truly tought me to see every day as a special miricle.
As for me--I take very much pride in what I am doing, and I consider myself blessed to be acquainted with such important figures in the Wiccan community. I package all the items carefully and treat my customers with total respect. This is a very serious venture to me--I KNOW Magic is real as it has played an enormous role in my life. I wish to share with the world the bounty of Magick that is available to those who seek it.
My name is Anna, please contact me if you have any questions
Read a few of our AMAZING feedbacks!
Most of our clientele are repeat customers.
Please let me know if you have any problems before leaving negative or neutral feedback as I'm sure we can work out anything that might come up. I will leave feedback as soon as it's left for me. I appreciate all the wonderful and appreciative emails I've received since selling these items on eBay. Thank you and Blessings!