Innokin iSub tank

It's getting easier and cheaper to get a great vape from a subohm build, and the new Innokin iSub tank is proof.  One of the newest and most inexpensive subtanks on the market, Innokin's iSub is designed to complement the company's expanding line of low price, subohm-capable mods, so it's never been cheaper to subohm and get all that good flavor.

The new iSub tank is a 510 threaded, 4 mL capacity stainless steel and polycarbonate tank with an integrated drip tip and chimney-style air pipe sitting on top of an all new, replaceable 0.5ohm single coil atomizer head with a built in anti-spitback screen and Japanese organic cotton wicking.  The deck is a two piece design, and the atomizer head slides in and out easily once the two pieces are separated.  Airflow control comes from a ring on the lower deck, and with the AFC at full open airflow is absolutely enormous.  Unlike less-expensive tanks of the past, the iSub has every bit the airflow capability of the Atlantis II or Kanger SubTank subohm atomizers.  The one piece tank-driptip top is easy to fill and has a well-fitted o-ring to settle snugly into the deck and prevent leaking.

Vapor production from the iSub is absolutely on par with more expensive tanks, and flavor is right there, too.  If you've been reluctant to start subohming because of the expense, the iSub tank is a low cost solution.  Pick up an iSub  and set out on your own subohming adventure.


  • 510 Threaded
  • Dimensions: 2-3/8"L x 7/8"D
  • Diameter: 22mm
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • German-Made Polycarbonate Tank