1984 V TELEVISION TRADING CARDS FULL BOX OF 36 PACKS Made by FLEER CORP. This is a vintage full box of 36 unopened wax packs of "V" television trading cards. That's 36 packs of "10 cards, 1 sticker & 1 stick gum". The original box is in excellent shape with just a bit of natural wear on the edges and the packs are perfect.V started out as a mini-series back in the mid-80s and became a short-lived TV series.The V stood for Visitors. It was sci-fi that had Lizard-people masquerading as regular people.This is the original series .1984. Also ,these cards were short printed,because the company had to stop and set the presses for the baseball cards . They were running a little behind . These boxes are fresh out of the case box. SHIPPING IS FREE !!!!!!!!!!! Comes with Tracking number ,to make sure that you got the package. NO RETURNS !