How to make money, and lots of it with

the Born Rich Learning System Seminar

with Bob Proctor 

6 DVDs plus 15 CD's

Plus the Companion Best Selling Book

2 Day Live Seminar - 11 Hours of Wealth Training

Brand New - Still in the Shrink Wrap

$ave A Bundle - Retail Price - $595.00 at - $ave A Bundle

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The "Born Rich” Learning System Seminar

The "Born Rich” Learning System is a program that has performed miracles in companies and individuals worldwide. Its very seeds, in fact, created so many shifts in Bob Proctor’s young life that he spent more than 20 years studying WHY he had changed. As he found answers to his questions, he realized that anyone could do what he had done...if they simply followed the same path.

With this conclusion in mind, Bob went to work, breaking his success into 10 chapters that were then expanded to an extensive seminar. Since the, tens of thousands of people have been through the Born Rich Seminar with phenomenal, lasting changes to report. Considered to be one of the most powerful personal development programs in the world, the "Born Rich" program carries the endorsements of corporations worldwide because the changes in people's lives as a result of this program...last!

The Born Rich Learning System includes:The entire 11-hour workshop on 6 DVDs and 15 CDs; The global best-selling book, "You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor; A goal card (quite possibly the most important action piece in the entire package); and The Born Rich Action planner

It covers a host of life-improving topics, including some of he following:

  • The concept of money, how YOU think about it, and how you SHOULD think about it.
  • Getting financially organized for greater income increases.
  • Steps to letting go of the past that holds you back from the life you deserve.
  • Why your self esteem and self image has everything to do with your current life's results.
  • Tapping into your creative power (we all have it) for phenomenal, surprising changes.
  • Permanently changing your attitude and expectation of abundance
  • Understanding universal laws - how everything in your life (or future life) has been or can be attracted into your life
  • Why risk taking isn't as risky as it seems
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In Section One, you will learn:
  • How your mind works
  • The Comfort Zone - what it is, why you must break out of it, and how to do it
  • The real secret contained in Think & Grow Rich
  • What is true personal excellence and how you can develop it
In Section Two, you will learn:
  • The Laws of the Universe and how to use them for your benefit
  • The fastest way to change any habit
  • The most effective method for tapping into the power of your subconscious
  • The powerful and exciting relationship between the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of your being
In Section Three, you will learn:
  • The formula for Financial Freedom
  • How to use The Law of Compensation to multiply your wealth
  • The critical role of Pyscho-Cybernetics to multiply your wealth
  • How to develop a winning self-image
In Section Four, you will learn:
  • How to unleash the Power within you
  • How "letting go and letting God" will help you succeed
  • What the Creative Process is and how can you use it for your benefit
  • Why you are getting the results you are - and how to change any result in your life
In Section Five, you will learn:
  • The 3 Certain Steps to Prosperity
  • How to use the Law of Vibration & Attraction to make succeeding easy
  • The keys to living on a higher level of conscious awareness
  • How to easily stay focused on your goal which connects you with the good you desire
In Section Six, you will learn:
  • The Greatest Hazard in Life
  • The keys to breaking through the "Terror Barrier" that is holding you back
  • How to use the Razor's Edge Formula that separates winners from losers
  • The best way to release guilt and resentment from your life
  • How to use the Vacuum Law of Prosperity to bring more goodness into your life

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