12v Compatible Replacement Power Supply AC Adapter Charger for:

Casio KL750 KL-750 KL750B KL-750B KL7000 KL-7000

Save money on batteries

"Not an original OEM power supply"

High Quality Heavy Duty

UL Listed For safe use in homes and offices


14 Day Money Back Returns MINUS $3 Restocking Fee Per Item. Buyer pays return shipping.

A $3 restocking fee is going to be charged for returns of Non-defective items.

Damaged or defective merchandise should be reported within 5 days after you received it, otherwise a $3 restocking fee will be applied.

Seller reserves the right of asking for the proof of damage.

Photo's of damaged items are required so they can be forwarded to Bonanza and the shipping company.

Damaged or defective merchandise will be refunded or replaced at Seller's discretion.

Any buyer suspected of fraud or scam will reported.