As many of you know I recently returned from England and a visit with Madam Crawley. While I was there I was able to witness some incredible and phenomenal occurrences. I was invited to a Coven meeting and although I was not allowed to sit in on the entirety of the ceremony, I was introduced to some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my whole life!!! I am a changed person!! I understand much more about the Coming of the New Age, and the various aspects and steps involved. I am so overwhelmed by my Magickal experiences that I hardly know where to begin! Over the coming weeks I will be introducing these items and concepts. As Madam Crawley expressed—“The time is approaching, and we are ready to take the next step.” I get chills just thinking about it.

The Celebrity Collection


As many of you already know, my father was very close to many important, famous, notorious and otherwise colorful characters! He wasn’t a person who was drawn to fame simply for the glamor and money. He simply loved those “kind” of people. And by that I mean—the kind of people who excel at what they do, are focused and sure of themselves. The kind of people who seem to know no limits, know no fear, know no boundaries. These are the type of exciting and charismatic people who my father was drawn to. As you might guess, it’s pretty hard for people like that to keep a low profile, so more often than not they become very well known for what it is they do. Whether it be build fortunes or dynasties, or sing songs! This is what drew my father to these people. It was the intrigue, the unabashed royal life-style, taking it to the limits and no apologies about it either! These people have something to say, something to do, something to teach.


I have been approached by a couple of other collectors who insinuated that my father was less than honorable in this area, and that he was in it for the glory and the high life-style. When I was younger these accusations upset us (me, my Mother, and even my brother too), but having matured a little, and having explored his extensive and prolific collection of treasures, I can safely say I do not believe he was shallow in any manner shape or form. There is nothing wrong with wanting everything life has to offer, and I don’t blame him one second for grabbing on to life’s reigns and riding that puppy all the way home!! I intend to do the same, and I bet that’s why you are here too? Let’s stop believing that we are not worthy, or that it only happens for the “lucky” ones. Guess what? I’m a lucky one, You’re a lucky one, and that’s why we’re here and that’s why I am presenting my father’s CELEBRITY COLLECTION. Magick so stunning and cunning and awesome that you won’t believe your eyes!


All of these pieces have belonged to someone who was super-duper rich and/or famous, and in some cases even infamous. Think household names, people that are SUPER-MEGA RICH, SUPER-MEGA FAMOUS, TALENTED, AND SPECTACULAR... This is really a collection to be reckoned with. Some of the previous owners are from the history books. Some are still alive today. One note: Please understand that I cannot outright disclose the identities of the previous owners. Many of these people are still doing what it is they do, and will not appreciate the indiscretion. In some cases the owner has passed on but still has family members alive. When appropriate I will say the name in thesale, but if I don't then please don’t ask me outright because I won’t be held accountable to these extraordinary people! I have decided to make this a rule, as I simply do not know these people personally and I don’t want to upset anyone or invade their privacy. They have been kind enough to add to this incredible Magickal collection and I can’t ask anymore from them than that! Now do this... Ask your heart if maybe, just maybe it’s your time to SHINE. Because you’ve been waiting in the rain and maybe just maybe it’s time to come alive and bathe in the sweet glow of success, glory and happiness.  GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

This is an UPDATE EXPLANATION, as some of you have told me you are confused about the nature of this collection, and after re-reading it several times I see I have left out some important facts. Because I know the facts, sometimes I assume it's obvious, so please forgive me for that. It is Important to understand, that these FAMOUS people were not always that way, and the one thing they all have in common is their early belief in MAGICK. They were just like YOU at one point in their lives. SEEKERS. They were normal people struggling to find a way. Some were already talented and some were already born to wealthy families, but most were not, and NOT OF THEM had a CLUE how to get the things their hearts REALLY desired. Each and everyone of the famous people I "hint" at here in these listings found their way to SUCCESS through MAGICK. They sought out and discovered the Secret Coven of Witches based in Europe. Some had to come clear across the world on the faith alone that this Magick would work for them. Each of these people independently sought the help of the Coven, and the Vessel you will see here today is the VERY VESSEL that brought them the HUGE Success's and Fortunes they now have. Some brought their own Vessels to be cast, others took Vessels supplied by the Coven. Each walked away with a piece of magick that transformed their lives. A HUGE Part of the Way Of Magick is the "Giving Back" procedure. At some point you will feel the desire to SHARE, either by the giving of money itself, kindness, help, love or by re-distributing the Magick Vessel that brought you the success. When the time is right to GIVE BACK, a certain type of enlightenment comes to these people. Within this Enlightenment comes the knowledge of how their GIVING BACK will be done. In these peoples cases, they were told to Give the Vessels back to the Coven. As these Vessels started to accumulate the Coven gave them to my father and Madam Crawley for safe keeping and for future distribution. So, the Celebrity Collection is actually a work in progress. New Vessels come in at various times, they are given directly to Madam Crawley (since my father has passed) and then I am given them to re-distribute. The Success and Wealth Spells that were cast upon these Vessels now become ACTIVE FOR YOU!!! You will become HUGELY SUCCESSFUL TOO. And one day you TOO you will be given the information on how to GIVE BACK.


Note: When these attributes MAGNIFICENT SUCCESS, HUGE WEALTH, MASSIVE MAGNETISM become part of your life it is often found that Fame, or at least Popularity comes along as part and parcel. Afterall, it's usually the people who have excelled in their game that become household names. None of these persons I will mention in these listings objected to the fame aspect. However, there were many others who had no desire to become famous, and so their success was kept much more secretive. Whether you want fame, or secretive success will be up to your natural tendencies. If you like the lime-light, then you will become popular and famous for your success. If you are a more reserved person, and like it that way, then your success will be more secretive. You do not need to concern yourself with this aspect as it is all achieved in a very natural and intuitive manner.  





Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active


   Wow!! Lovely Blue and White Topaz Ring. Set in Sterling Silver. Size 8.75. The POWER IS AMAZING!!

Oh YES!! Here's a vessel I'd LOVE TO OWN MYSELF!! It's history gives me goosebumps. We've had Magick Vessels from this lady before, and this one is Phenomenal. It belonged to a FANTASTIC artist. She is from Ireland, and her music has soothed the hearts of millions. It's not Sinaed O'conner. It's a different lady. Gaelic, Celtic music that simply connects you to the other side. You hear her beautiful compositions in many movies. She became famous against all odds. Her style of music should not even be popular amongst normal people, at least you wouldn't expect it... She is a true Angel and has used HER MAGICK to MAKE MAGICK!! I'd grab this is a HEART BEAT!!!  Good Luck. This is so EXCITING!!!  This is a once in a life-time opportunity!!   

  I'd grab this is a HEART BEAT!!!  Good Luck. This is so EXCITING!!!  This is a once in a life-time opportunity!!   


 You won't find anything else like this collection. DON'T REGRET, ACT NOW.

Your dream doesn't have to have anything to do with their dream. The spells will interpret what it is you NEED AND WANT FROM THIS LIFE-TIME. Also it doesn't matter if you are not the same gender as the previous owner--the soul is genderless, and if you feel drawn to an item and the previous owner was not your same sex don't let that hinder your dream!



Many Blessings. Anna.





You now have the option of Madam Crawley CUSTOM ALIGNING the Vessel to "fit you like a glove!" She will fully tune and align the spell to match your exact vibrations and aura. This Vessel is of the highest caliber imaginable, and this extra little touch will send its Magick into Turbo-Charged! A TOTAL FINE TUNING OF ENERGIES! The result will be FASTER Magick! This is completely exciting to me, and the first thing I did when I heard about this was send a whole SLEW of my own Magickals to her for Personalized Energy Alignment! This type of Personal Energy Alignment would cost a small fortune elsewhere.
The Alignment is only $29.99. Basically a Give Away Price! Please note, Madam Crawley is very diligent and conscientious in her spell casting. She is offering this service as a "REMOTE" option which means it won't hold up the delivery of your item. Plus, you can also choose to have it done later, or on previously purchased items.
Link will open in a new window so you won't loose your page ;)

Good Luck and Blessings
Madam Crawley.



Can you almost taste what it would be like to live the life-style of the extremely wealthy?

Can you almost feel what it would be like to live a life of super success and to always have luck on your side?

Can you visualize what it would be like to posses super-normal powers beyond the scope of the average Everyday Joe?

Does part of you think it's not possible, while another part screams--Yes, I do believe there's more. I want it, and I know it's meant for me!

I am here to tell you my friend that you are a Seeker, you are here on this page now because of Magick and that is why you are reading these words.
It is no accident that you have come across this page and that we are communicating now... today...at this moment in time. You are seeking Magick. The Hilton family, Trump, Gates, and many, many others know something that you are just starting to see. Magick is the answer. The time of Magickal prophecies is fast approaching, and the fact that you are here NOW, is no coincidence. You have been given a very special opportunity. You! Yes You sitting there looking into your computer screen. You have been guided to this moment in time. You are about to become part of the most Magickal and Privileged group of people on this planet. If these words mean nothing to you, then you are not a true Seeker, and you may leave now. Possibly in the future you will be ready. But if you choose to stay, then Your time has come. Congratulations. Watch Professor Richmond's items closely, because your piece will be here. When you see it, it will call to you, and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you and IT are destined to unite and that your dreams are ready to come true.

Let me tell you a little about myself and my father,
the great Professor Richmond:

My father was born English, and my mother is half Native American. My brother Michael and myself were raised mostly in California, although we spent some childhood years traveling England, Egypt and the Far East with my father, whom you will soon learn all about!
Other than these few trips, which were very low key and purely research expeditions, he was mostly absent in our lives. When I was seven my father and mother divorced. He would send us cards at Christmas and on our birthdays, but they would always be postmarked from some foreign and obscure country. Later we were allowed to understand why this separation was necessary. Professor Richmond was a man dealing with forces so powerful and dangerous, that he could not dare involve us.

My first sight of Real Powerful Magick was when he sent home a ring for my mother. I instinctively knew it was different from the others she wore. It was very old, and it would shine at strange times even when the lights were off. After the arrival of the ring, Mom always seemed to have money to spare, and Grandma who had been getting very senile and shaky, suddenly seemed to be much better. She looked and seemed younger and was now able to care for us again when Mom went out. I remember thinking, wow, Grandma can read us our bedtime story without her glasses. That's weird!

My Mother suddenly invested in a certain stock, which went through the roof, and we became very wealthy indeed all because of the Magick she wore on her finger. Eventually my Mother re-married, although she was always in communication with my father. When we were old enough to understand, she explained that he was a man on a
Quest. A man of Obsession and a man who faced constant dangers in his life. He was known as a Treasure Hunter, but I've come to learn that this is a very superficial description of my father. True, he had many friends in high places (Royalty, Aristocrats, Witches, Warlocks, Psychics, and families such as the Hiltons and the Rockerfellers), all of whom he helped. But my father believed more strongly than anyone that Magick needed to be shared amongst every level of society, and That is what His Legacy is all about!


An interesting side note that I'm quite proud of: Here in California, my father used a Magickal Talisman acquired from a Powerful Warlock to help a certain up-start director who went on to become Incredibly Famous. The director created some of the most fabulous and Magickal movies of our time, including a series of 3 adventure movies based loosely on my father's life.
Also, in the early years my father lectured at various Universities and Institutions. He was: Professor of Parapsychology, Mythology, Egyptology, Medieval Literature and the Occult Sciences at UCLA. He was a hugely prominent paranormal investigator, and was involved in the 1974 experiments with Carllota Moran and her house in Culver City, CA. These true events were later turned into a movie called the Entity.


The Great Professor Richmond did have a few detractors who believed that because he was an incredibly rich and powerful man that he was in it solely for his own gain. I would like to put the record straight, right now! It wasn't the riches he accumulated that drove his passion, but moreover, the Idea of Magick itself. The Art of it, the Spirituality, the Awe of being proven to, over and over, that Yes, Magick is absolutely Real. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. As real as the earth, the sky, the shoes he put on his feet every morning. Eventually this "Calling" had him scouring the globe collecting and securing the most Powerful Magick known to man. But, his final goal was This moment in time when all the artifacts he had acquired would find their rightful spiritual owners. The Magick is ready to be Shared, to be distributed amongst the True Seekers.

Now, here "I " am, thrown into this unimaginable situation!

When my father passed on early last year, we were visited by his lawyer. We were informed that we'd inherited an estate (and it's entire contents!) along with some 100 acres of land in a secluded region near Baden-Baden, Germany close to the Black Forest. There is an ancient Holy structure on the land that is built on an extremely powerful white-energy vortex. It's been depicted in sacred literature and is obviously why my father chose this area to store and protect these Rare Magickal pieces.

When we walked through the door of our father's estate it was as though we'd walked into some bizarre haunted museum. He was also an archeologist of sorts, and we were immediately greeted by stacks and stacks of boxes filled with fossils, bones, ancient tribal masks, clay pots, you name it. Leading off from the main hallway is a strange maze of rooms filled with treasures and oddities...but the Magickal Pieces were under lock and key behind a huge old oak door at the very end of the house. I swear to you, the overwhelming aura, energy, sheer power and "actual visible light" emanating from behind that wooden door was enough to make us both want to turn and run. The hairs on our arms and necks shot up-right, and quite honestly, haven't come down much since!





A portion of all proceeds from thesesales will go to worthy charities, but the largest percentage will go (per our father's wishes), to a special Fund established with the goal of educating people around the world on the truth of the Paranormal. Including: Life Magick, Orgone Energy, Divination, Mediumship, Re-incarnation, ESP, Other Dimensional Life-forms, Extraterrestrial Life-forms, and all the other supernatural and Magickal properties inherent in our nature--the knowledge of which is presently (and deliberately) being kept from us.

Most of the things have been vaulted away now, as should the exact location of their whereabouts be discovered, it would surely trigger frantic activity from Occultists, and Magickal Practitioners/collectors alike. Let me assure you, there are many, many extremely powerful and rich families and individuals who got where they are today through different forms of Magick, and they understand the
Power and Necessity of owning these pieces. I have witnessed this power first hand, and I know the value=Priceless.

But as I stated before, my father, the Great Professor Richmond (as documented in his will) demands that the Magickal items Not go to these few already powerful people. Now is the time of the Seeker. If you are still reading this, then you are either a person of great power and Magick looking to hoard even more; or a person who is Seeking. Someone who still has great ambitions, needs and desires to fulfill. A person who is white-of-heart, and is willing to share their abundance to help create a better world for us all to live in.

Good luck to you, and Blessed be.



I would like to share with you some of the fantastic emails and letters I have received.

FREE SHIPPING IN THE USA. Recently International shipping cost doubled from $6.55 to $12.50 so we will now be splitting the cost with our International customers with a $6.55 International shipping fee. Combined items will be FREE.



Legal Stuff: Per the regulations: Paranormal objects are for entertainment purposes only. We cannot take responsibility for activity that may or may not occur in association with this item. Paranormal items are not dangerous but please handle with care and respect.