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24 Cassette Tapes with 48 Power Packed Sessions
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This is one of the
best and most comprehensive personal improvement audio collections you can
possibly own. The wisdom you will gain
from this comprehensive audio seminar will make a huge difference in your life
in so many areas – finances, career, sales ability, relationships, emotions,
stress management, etc.
There are 12 volumes with a
total of 24 cassette tapes in this mega
seminar which include 48 separate information
packed sessions as follows:
Volume 1 - Maximum Performance (2
Side 1
Unlocking Your Potential
In the
entire history of the human race, there has never been anyone like you. You have
the potential to do something special, even extraordinary. Acquire the
attributes of a positive mental attitude. Discover how your self-concept affects
your performance and behavior in all areas of your life. Replace fear, the
greatest problem in life, with love.
Side 2 Taking Charge of Your
You must accept without reservation that if you want things to
change, then you must change first. Learn how your thoughts determine your life.
Understand that by taking 100 percent responsibility, you gain a sense of
control. Refuse to blame others and to justify your own negative
Side 3 Seven Mental
People can do anything, be anything, go anywhere, change any part of
their lives for the better, whenever they want. Master the natural, mental laws
that determine the outcome of your life. Eliminate self-limiting beliefs and
expect the best from yourself. Realize that you become what you think
Side 4 Tapping Your
Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is an amazing powerhouse that,
when properly used, can move you rapidly toward the achievement of your goals
and desires. Determine your self-concept and self-image by using your
subconscious mind. Reprogram you subconscious mind and change the way you
perform. Change past adversity into future success.
Volume 2 - Personal Strategic Planning (2
1 Strategic Thinking
thinking is a skill that can move you more rapidly toward your goals than you
ever believed possible. Sharpen your thinking and increase your "Return on
Energy." Create a vision of your life by identifying what you value most. Write
your own game plan by establishing a mission statement for your life.
Side 2 The Master Skill of
Developing the ability to set goals and make plans for their
accomplishment will do more to ensure your success than anything else you can
ever learn. Learn the key to high achievement in goal setting. Decide exactly
what it is that you want out of life, then resist the comfort zone. Uncover your
area of excellence, discover your "Acre of Diamonds."
Side 3 Achieving Your Goals
most important action you can take is to set and achieve one clear, challenging
goal. Develop a habit of goal achievement by employing a 12-step process.
Analyze the starting point for your goals, then set a deadline for their
achievement. Plan for goal achievement by using visualization.
Side 4 The SuperConscious Mind
are ready to learn the secret of the ages which, when properly used, will enable
you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal. Prosper from
"The Secret of the Ages." Understand the role of infinite intelligence, the
source of all inspiration, motivation and intuition. Take five steps to activate
the superconscious mind.
Volume 3 - Managing Your Time (2
1 Mastering Your Time
management is life management, the core skill around which everything else
revolves. Increase the quality and quantity of your results by mastering your
valuable time. Incorporate the qualities of highly effective people into your
own life. Enjoy the payoffs of proper planning.
Side 2 Maximizing Your
The foundations of good work habits – focus and
concentration – go hand in hand with success in every area of endeavor. Develop
excellent work habits, including working all the time that you work. Take the
four steps to higher productivity. Learn to identify your key results areas and
overcome procrastination.
3 Streamlining Your Life
Increase your overall satisfaction and
happiness by actually doing fewer things. Discover how to speed things up by
slowing them down. Use zero-based thinking and master the characteristics that
guarantee your success. Understand that your life is the product of your
Side 4 Balancing Work
and Family
The aim of time management is to allow you to spend more time
with the people you love doing more of the things you really enjoy. Maintain
balance with happiness as your organizing principle. Refuse to compromise your
emotional integrity and avoid rationalization or justification. Remind yourself
of what's important.
Volume 4
- Career Advancement Strategies (2 Tapes)
Side 1 Your
Most Valuable Asset
There is nothing
that will give you a longer, higher and more consistent stream of income than
your capacity to work. Understand that you're always self-employed and that
continuous self-development is the key. Seek new information and commit to
constant improvement. Learn to read faster and more effectively in four
Side 2 How to Get the
Job You Want
One of the great secrets of success in our world is "do what
you love to do." Assess your skills and utilize your talents, then choose where
you want to work. Select your ideal workplace and tap into the hidden job
market. Master the ten factors considered in hiring decisions.
Side 3 Leveraging Your
The wonderful thing about leverage techniques is that they are
almost all free and require only self-discipline and persistent effort to
incorporate into your life. Beat the odds against financial independence.
Develop good work habits and build high levels of energy. Achieve a successful
image by dressing well, practicing integrity and becoming dependable.
Side 4 Fast-Tracking Your
Learn many of the methods, techniques and secrets of men and women
who do far better than average in their careers. Get promoted faster by
developing a winning edge. Choose your job carefully and utilize the niche
strategy for rapid promotion. Explore five forms of power and ten rules for
getting ahead in your career.
Volume 5 - Creating Wealth (2
Side 1
Money and You
If you want it enough,
you can be a millionaire. Acquire the qualities of self-made millionaires.
Discover your success factors, including intelligence and dreaming big dreams.
Utilize proven success principles and ask your way to success.
Side 2 The Way the World Works
live in a world of contradictions. Understand the seven elements of human
nature. Use laziness, greed, impatience and selfishness to your advantage.
Employ the E-Factor intelligently to ensure successful
Side 3
Blueprint for Financial Independence
Your most
important responsibility as an adult is to achieve financial independence for
yourself and your family. Achieve financial independence by realizing that
wealth begins with a state of mind. Discover the three legs of the financial
planning "stool." Maximize your earning years by beginning your financial future
Side 4 Leadership-The
Critical Difference
A person who has a vision has the distinguishing
characteristics of an exceptional man or woman. Learn the qualities of a leader,
as well as the four steps to becoming one yourself. Prosper from vision, courage
and strategic planning. Determine how to lead through values and
Volume 6 - Unlocking
Your Mental Powers (2 Tapes)
Side 1 The
Psychology of Success
The quality of
your thinking determines the quality of your life and everything that happens to
you. Develop the mind-set of successful people and the qualities of
super-achievers. Remain flexible and move out of your comfort zone. Seek the
valuable lesson and persist in the face of adversity.
Side 2 Stepping on Your Mental
There are powerful, proven techniques you can use to create
within yourself the mental structure consistent with what you want to experience
on the outside. Practice the secret techniques of champions. Accelerate the
process of personal development by taking the five steps to goal attainment.
Program your subconscious mind and go with the flow of your potential.
Step 3 Creative Problem
Everything you are or ever will be will come about as a result of
the way you use your mind. Control the direction of change and improvement in
your life. Develop in yourself the three qualities of genius. Take advantage of
the 20-idea method and generate unconventional solutions to difficult
Step 4 Effective
Decision Making
This is one of the most crucial skills for attaining
success in America. Think on paper, determine the second-best decision and
compare possible solutions with decision-making factors. Set a deadline, assign
responsibility and evaluate your ideas. Ask the key questions before you do
Volume 7 -
Negotiating, Communicating, Persuading (2 Tapes)
1&2 Negotiating Strategies and Tactics
Negotiating and compromising are a major part of the
business of living. View life as one extended negotiation session and learn to
get the best deal for yourself every time. Develop the qualities of successful
negotiators and use them with the six styles of negotiating. Discover the powers
of commitment, expertise and knowing the needs of the other party. Master the
job of separating objectives from issues in negotiating. Perfect the standard
techniques that save you money almost every single time. Understand that no
negotiation is ever final.
3 Communicating for Results
You aren't what you think you are; rather,
what you think, you are. Learn to convey your feelings and communicate your
expectations. Focus on desired personality characteristics and eliminate
feelings of inferiority. Master the meaning of verbal and non-verbal
Side 4 How to
Influence and Persuade Others
Winners and high achievers are those who
have learned how to be good at getting the active support and cooperation of
others. Earn the cooperation of others with the key to diplomacy. Explore the
various aspects of different personality types. Employ mental programming
techniques to enhance communication effectiveness.
Volume 8 - The Development of Character (2
Side 1 The
Foundation of Character
and integrity are central to your success. It's not what you do or have, but who
you become that really matters. Learn that personal integrity is essential to a
great life. Understand the importance of respect from others and the reputation
you have with yourself. Avoid the path of least resistance and always be true to
Side 2 The Conquest
of Fear
Fear is and always has been the greatest enemy of mankind.
Acquire unshakable courage. Face your anxieties by acknowledging that love is
the opposite of fear. Feed your mind consistently with thoughts of courage and
make acting boldly a life habit.
Side 3 The
Iron Quality of Success
The key determinant of success is whether or
not you can put your head down and discipline yourself to pay the price, over
and over, until you finally attain your objective. Realize that the measure of
your will power is self-control, self-mastery and self-restraint. Master the one
quality that overcomes everything. Turn delays and setbacks into advantages and
Side 4 The Power
of Love
The most important thing in life is love. Embrace love as the key
to health and energy, as well as the fundamental part of your own self-esteem.
Become a totally loving person. Think kind thoughts of others and make love the
true purpose of your life.
Volume 9 - Personal Dynamism and Energy (2
1&2 High-Energy Performance
Achieve high levels of health and energy, and feel
terrific about yourself. Attain and maintain high levels of health and energy,
and feel terrific about yourself. Use visualization, eat right and think thin to
control your weight. Restructure your mental and physical intake, and detoxify
your life. Live your life lean and mean by eliminating some foods and eating
more of others. Set the goal of establishing seven health habits that guarantee
longevity. Eliminate negative emotions that wear you out and employ the
cognitive control method to feel positive, vital and alive.
Sides 3&4 Stress Management and
Achieving Personal Effectiveness
Maximum performance in your life
requires calmness, clarity and an ability to maintain objectivity about yourself
and your work. Become your own psychological counselor and achieve greater peace
of mind. Strengthen your immune system through happiness and stress-free living.
Understand that all negative reactions are learned and their root causes must be
confronted and managed. Avoid the pitfalls of a Type A personality, and develop
one that is relatively stress-free. Practice reality therapy, face your
situation squarely and reduce the role of anger in your life. Remember to make
peace of mind your highest goal.
Volume 10 - Power with People (2
1&2 Developing a Success Personality
Fully 85 percent of your success in life is going to be
determined by your social skills. Understand the importance of social skills and
that your own happiness comes from other people. Eliminate destructive criticism
and raise the self-esteem of others. Use detachment to remain positive and
optimistic and to overcome the tendency to complain, condemn and criticize. Be
agreeable and accepting, and avoid arguments. Praise others with absolute
sincerity and admire them for their accomplishments. Master the fine art of
conversation and let your personality flow.
Side 3 Love and Romance
The choice
of a mate and the quality of your home and family lives determine your success
as a human being. Maintain long-term loving relationships and move toward
becoming whole. Deepen relationships through self-esteem, self-acceptance and
self-expression. Utilize the six keys to successful relationships, and recognize
six problems that jeopardize their success.
Side 4 How to Raise Super Kids
most important and enduring relationship you ever enter into begins when you
bring a child into the world. Learn the role of parenting, and enable your
children to fulfill their potentials. Discover four ways to tell your children
you love them. Familiarize yourself with parenting styles that produce high
achievers, and be sure to set an example.
Volume 11 - Strategies for Business Success (2
Side 1 Starting Your Own Business
More than 90 percent of men and women coming out of
universities with business degrees are intending to go out on their own when the
time is right. Decide what is right for you, especially entrepreneurship, where
opportunities are virtually unlimited. Learn from a significant emotional
experience. Determine the business you want to be in, and master the do's and
don'ts of buying a business.
2 Marketing Strategies and Tactics
Anyone who really wants to can start
and build a successful business in America today. Understand that the purpose of a business is to
create and keep a customer. Explore the different ways of approaching your
business by assembling an accurate business plan. Develop an area of excellence,
and differentiate your product or service.
Side 3 Getting the Money You
If you back your desire with drive and ambition, and surround it
with self-discipline, you are on your way. Ensure that money isn't an obstacle
by grasping the importance of financial accumulation. Prepare a detailed
business plan, and build your business through "boot strapping." Master the
process of securing financial backing for your business.
Side 4 How to Sell Well
If you can
sell well, you have the basic skill necessary to be successful at starting and
building your own business. Assimilate the components of effective advertising,
and use them to your advantage. Increase your sales abilities by employing the
AIDA selling process. Strengthen your sales presentations by answering five key
questions and focusing on value and benefit.
Volume 12 - Building Your Financial Estate (2
1&2 Real Estate Investment Strategies
One of the high roads to wealth in America has always
been the acquisition and development of good, solid, income-producing real
estate. Learn how to survive and thrive as a real estate investor, and achieve
financial independence through property ownership. Understand how real estate is
valued, then find property that's undervalued relative to the market. Employ the
simplest method for achieving real estate wealth, and strive to minimize risk
and maxi