Plot: On the distant planet of Procyon III at a time far into the future, 10 year-old Peter Tracton is innocently trying to catch a pesky space bug when suddenly the warehouse he is playing in is attacked by outlaw Space Raiders, and the boy is whisked off on an incredible adventure beyond his wildest dreams. Vince Edwards stars as Col. C.W. Hawk who discovers Peter hiding the hull of the of the cargo ship that he and his raiders have just hijacked. While under attack by Hawk s arch nemesis, the alien Zariatin, Peter risks his life to help with the repair of a damaged engine, enabling the Raiders to a make a safe escape. With exhilarating echoes of the movie Star Wars, Hawk and his crew reward Peter s courage by promising to return the little boy safely to his home planet. Together they embark upon a thrilling odyssey across millions of miles of outer space. 070316-103016P-VHS1
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