High Quality Professional handmade Pan flute for Concerts

This pan flute is total handmade and tuned in Peru by a professional musician and manufacturer of these kind of instruments such as: Flutes, Pan-flutes, Quenas, Zampoas, Marimacho, Toyo, etc.

It has 23 tubes carefully built and tuned in the highest quality of bamboo and with a basis made in pure mahogany wood, the best one able to be found in Peru. It has hand-painted designs giving a touch of class to it. It can be tuned in: Mi, La, Sol, depending on the student or professional preference.

Please ask for any information or question you might have in any of our instruments. We can make the one you have in mind or need.

We ship directly from here and it needs approx. 15-18 days to get into the destination.

Left Hand Pna Flute

Made of selected Bamboo

It can be tuned in MI LA SOL please write us your wishes

Standart Tuned 4/40

Professional Concert Instrument
Additional Details
Package quantity: 1