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Electric Lift Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer 920SDE with Super Duty Blue Brushes.
$1,670 Spring Tine Rake optional (shown attached)


Three rows of 42 adjustable tines at 7/8" spacing. 
Dimensions: 74.5" x 10.5"; 95 lbs. 
Tines comb through infill to relieve compaction and re-distribute fill. 

The Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer.


The Synthetic Groomer with it’s second generation brush design conditions synthetic turf surfaces while delivering greater labor efficiencies , ease of operation, and a lower total cost of ownership. Simple in design with a heavy-duty construction, the focal point of this patent-pending design are the precise brush dimensions and angles. This allows grooming in four directions, standing up turf fibers and leveling infill material.

Product Features.


The Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer has 16 Super Duty Blue brushes set at various angles to the direction the unit is being towed. 

It has perfect balance side to side and front to back — allowing for smooth brushing with no hopping. The electric actuator provides almost infinite adjustment control, from wheels down transport to wheels up brushing. The Groomer stands the turf surface up and assists in moving the top layer of infill, leveling low spots and depressions left after play.

Quick Facts:

The Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer is an industry standard. With over 4,000 units out on the field, maintenance professionals rely on it and have made it a centerpiece of their regular maintenance routine. With a heavy-duty steel construction, the Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer has 16 Super Duty Blue brushes set at various angles to the direction the unit is being towed. The Groomer stands the turf surface up and assists in moving the top layer of infill, leveling low spots and depressions left after play.

Synthetic Sports Turf Groomer (920SDE) Specifications:

All measurements listed within the specifications are from the original design documents. Please confirm the accuracy of such measurements for your own benefit.

Main Frame: 2 inch square tube (11 gauge) with 1-1/2 inch (10 gauge) Square tube cross bars.
Draw Bar: One piece 2” square tube.
Length: 48 inches (84 inches overall including the draw-bar).
Width: 72 inches.
Weight: 260 lbs.
Running Gear: 2 pneumatic tires (16 x 650-8) Ribbed 2-ply with Oil Impregnated Graf oil bushings.
Electric Lift: 1000 lb. capacity Electric 12 volt linear actuator.
Finish: Powder coat with 6-step pre-wash including de-greaser and anti-rust coating.
Brushes: (16) Super-Duty Blue Synthetic Brushes. Bristles attached to polypropylene head - 4-12”; 8-18”; 4-41”
Brush Weight: 26 lbs. - Full Set Blue.
Shipping Crate: 75-1/2” x 53-3/4” x 29”
Crated Weight: 388 lbs.

Integration With the Spring Tine Rake.


The grooming and maintenance routine isn’t complete without the attached Spring Tine Rake. By simply grooming, you miss the important function of the rake to relieve compaction. We view both the Groomer and the Spring Tine Rake as an integrated system. The relationship of the angled tines and the grooming brushes are such that both functions (grooming and raking) can be achieved with a single pass without damaging the turf.

Did You Know?

As any in filled synthetic system is used, the infill becomes compacted, causing greater and greater forces to be exerted on the fibers. This causes premature fiber wear and breakage.
With proper grooming/raking equipment and techniques, infill can be redistributed and compaction relieved allowing the synthetic fibers to last longer under stress.
The Synthetic Groomer functions primarily in the upper third of the turf profile. The Spring Tine rake works in the upper two-thirds of the turf profile to loosen infill, relieve compaction, and achieve the soft surface that is desired.
With most synthetic turf profiles being between 2” to 2.5” in height, the backing and base infill is maintained to spec with no interruption or damage.
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