This is a LOVELY GRADUATION DAY PENDANT that Albina 3X CAST with a "long hidden spell" that was only handed down through generations of "closest kin and friends" in order to "ensure that one's circle never had to go without and gained the greatest benefits!" This was a secret spell that Albina hesitated in revealing until she received permission from those who still hold this form of Magick near and dear to their hearts! This spell is called "Blessings for Kin" and it promotes Opportunities, Prosperity and advantages to the bearer! This spell has three elements:
Kissing thy Hand: This first element promotes the drawing of energies that provide "the keys to opportunities" by stimulating being in the right place at the right time, while "opening doors" between the bearer and covert opportunities that may otherwise remain just "out of sight". Albina says that these energies will also empower and motivate one to reach one's goals once the opportunities arise as well! As a result, she explains that one will notice an increase in one's "tenacity, strength and the ability to achieve and maintain beneficial relations with those who most nurture and benefit one while also breaking free of relations that do not". She says one will "feel as if there are many good choices to choose from and many several fruitful paths to take!"
Fruit and Mead: The second element of this spell will draw in the energies that promote "greater prosperity and wealth" by stimulating the energies and drawing in that "which provides the greatest amount of security and stability in one's finances". Albina says that this element is "quite potent" and the energies will allow one to "aquire more" without gaining so much that one can develop a sense of greed, yet, enough to "live very comfortably and never go without". She says that many report "feeling an ease in worry about finances for the first time in years" after this element takes effect!
Gaining Higher Ground: The final element of this spell will as Albina says "Bless one' with many fine advantages. This element promotes:
*Enhanced intellectual strengths- that allow one to see problems, enact solutions and attain goals quickly!
*Potent Protection- against those meaning to harass, harm or obstruct one from meeting goals and achieving advancement
*A great charge of "lighted energies" that will act as a "tonic" that strengthens and regenerates one in order to inspire successes and achievements! This energy can also actually create a "glowing light" around one that radiates an attractive warmth that draws in others and grants and "ease" when forming relations and when one is trying to "gain" a mutual connection" with others!
Albina again suggest wearing or carrying this Magickal for 2-3 weeks in order for one's personal energies to align with the Magickal's energies. She then relayed that "I feel very fulfilled now that we have begun sharing this form of lovely, powerful Magick with others and I know that this spell will grant great improvements and enhanced strengths that many will be able to utilize to bring all back into order" and "create a more plentiful existence!" I send my Sincere Blessings to the wonderful Albina as well!