The Vessel of Creation and Destruction is from our Master collection! Only one was ever crafted and enchanted.
This extremely powerful vessel contains the spiritual essence and powers of 20,000 Ianerol Entities. The Ianerol are half angels and half demons and possess the power to create and destroy anything they desire.
They exist in a plane called Nanthcarna, where spiritual power is limitless and the plane is filled with pure arcane energies.
Included with this vessel is a ring, candles, incense, sacred herbs and roots, channeling stone, sigil scroll and a chalice.
The ring acts as a transfiguration relic and dimensional portal to Nanthcarna. Upon wearing the ring, it creates an eternal unbreakable bond between you and the 20,000 Ianerol entities and they will pull you into the astral plane. There, the 20,000 Ianerol will channel their spiritual powers into you to transfigure your mind, body and soul into an Ianerol and you will be immortal and possess the powers of creation and destruction. The vessel is enchanted to be an open vortex and it will make your home an open crossroad to Nanthcarna. The Ianerol entities will often visit you to converse, give you advice and help you to fulfill your desires.
The user of the Vessel of Creation and Destruction will gain...
Astral Projection
Eternal Youth And Immortality
Open Third Eye
Dimensional Travel
Time Travel
Extreme Wealth and Abundance
Eternal Protection Against Illnesses, Diseases, Bad Luck, Harm, Black Magic And Curses
Spiritual Ascension
The Power To Create And Destroy ANYTHING You Desire
Create Races, Entities, Spiritual Gates, Portals
Channel Pure Spiritual And Magical Powers With Your Fingers
Increased Psychic Powers
Excellent Health
Eternal Life
Godlike Powers
Ancient Power, Wisdom And Knowledge
And much more...
The use of the Vessel of Creation and Destruction are LIMITLESS. After you became an Immortal Ianerol, NOTHING will be able to stop you.
Do you wish to gain control over your destiny and wield the powers of creation and destruction?
The 20,000 Ianerol call to YOU. Are you ready to answer their call?