This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Madison County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book  published in 1899.



Our County and Its



Descriptive and Biographical Record of

Madison County,

New York


Edited By

John E. Smith


The Boston History Company, Publishers




900 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



Part I.

Chapter I. Descriptive of the subject 
Chapter II. Indian occupation and early wars 
Chapter III. First settlement - trails and roads 
Chapter IV. Erection of the county, town formation and early settlements 
Chapter V. Further town settlement and improvement 
Chapter VI. Town formation and settlement 
Chapter VII. Further town formation and settlement 
Chapter VIII. Further town formation and settlement 
Chapter IX. Settlement and organization of Lenox, Fenner, and Georgetown 
Chapter X. General progress in the county 
Chapter XI. The canal and early railroad era 
Chapter XII. Political changes - The Civil War period 
Chapter XIII. Progress of improvement in towns - Eaton 
Chapter XIV. Progress of improvement in towns - Cazenovia 
Chapter XXV. Progress of improvement in towns - Hamilton 
Chapter XVI. Progress of improvement in towns - Lenox 
Chapter XVII. Progress of improvement in towns - Sullivan 
Chapter XVIII. Progress of improvement in towns - De Ruyter and Georgetown 
Chapter XIX. Progress of improvement in towns - Brookfeild and Lebanon 
Chapter XX. Progress of improvement in towns - Madison and Nelson 
Chapter XXI. Progress of improvement in towns - Smithfield and Fenner 
Chapter XXII. Progress of improvement in towns - Stockbridge 
Chapter XXIII. General county history from 1865 to 1899 
Chapter XXIV. Educational institutions of Madison County 
Chapter XXV. The judiciary and bar of Madison County 
Chapter XXVI. The medical societies and profession 
Chapter XXVII. Gazetteer of towns 

Part II.


Part III.

 Personal references 


 Personal references 
 Portraits and illustrations





Abbott, Abercrombie, Ackerman, Ackley, Adams, Ager, Aiken, Ainsworth, Alby, Alcott, Alderman, Aldrich, Alger, Allen, Allis, Alvord, Ambler, Amedown, Ames, Amsbry, Amsden, Anderson, Andrews, Angel, Annas, Antes, Anthony, Armour, Armstrong, Arndt, Arnold, Arnst, Arrowsmith, Atkins, Atkinson, Atwell, Atwood, Aubeuf, Austin, Avery, Ayer, Ayres, Aylesworth, Babcock, Backus, Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Balcom, Baldwin, Ballard, Ballou, Bamford, Bancroft, Banning, Anton, Banyea, Barber, Barclay, Bardeen, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barott, Barr, Barrett, Barry, Bartholomew, Bartle, Bass, Bassett, Bates, Battey, Baum, Baxter, Beach, Beal, Beardsley, Beck, Beckwith, Beden, Beebe, Beebee, Beecher, Beekman, Beeman, Beers, Bell, Bellamy, Benedict, Benjamin, Bennett, Benson, Bensted, Bentley, Bemis, Bergen, Berry, Berson, Betsinger, Bicknell, Bigsby, Bill, Bills, Billings, Billington, Bingham, Birdsall, Birge, Bishop, Bixby, Black, Blacksstone, Blair, Blakeman, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Blish, Bliss, Blodgett, Blye, Boardman, Boden, Bogardus, Bond, Bonney, Boon, Bort, Bordwell, Bostwick, Bosworth, Bouck, Bowen, Bowler, Boyer, Bradin, Bradley, Bradner, Brainard, Brand, Brasse, Breese, Brevoort, Brewer, Brewster, Bridge, Briggs, Brigham, Bright, Britt, Britton, Broadhead, Brockett, Broga, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Brownson, Bruce, Bruen, Bryant, Buck, Buckingham, Buell, Bugbee, Bulkley, Bull, Bump, Bumpus, Bunker, Burchard, Burden, Burdick, Burgess, Burhans, Burke, Burn, Burnett, Burnham, Burr, Burroughs, Burton, Bush, Bushnell, Bushyte, Butler, Button, Byer, Cady, Cadwell, Cain, Calhoun, Calkins, Callanan, Calvin, Calway, Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Campton, Candee, Card, Cardner, Carey, Carl, Carlon, Carpenter, Carrier, Carrington, Carrol, Carscadden, Carver, Cary, Case, Casler, Caswell, Catlin, Cavana, Cazenove, Cazier, Chaffee, Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chambers, Champlain, Chandler, Chaphe, Chapin, Chapman, Chappell, Chariton, Chase, Chawgo, Cheney, Cheesebro, Cheesebrough, Chesley, Childs, Christman, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clary, Clemens, Clements, Clemons, Cleveland, Clough, Clow, Cloyes, Cobb, Cody, Coe, Colburn, Cole, Coles, Colegrove, Coleman, Coley, Colgate, Cullins, Collis, Collister, Colson, Colton, Colwell, Colyer, Comstock, Coman, Conant, Cone, Conger, Conine, Conklin, Conley, Cook, Coolidg, Coolidge, Coon, Cooper, Copley, Cornell, Corson, Cossett, Costello, Cotes, Cotton, Covell, Cowan, Cowen, Cox, Coye, Craine, Cramphin, Crandall, Crane, Cranson, Craw, Crawe, Crawford, Crawshaw, Crichton, Crispe, Crocker, Cronk, Crosby, Cross, Crouse, Crowell, Crumb, Cruttenden, Cummings, Curtis, Currier, Curry, Cushing, Cushman, Cutler, Daboll, Daggett, Daharsh, Dana, Danforth, Daniels, Damon, Dapson, Dardis, Darling, Darrow, Dart, Dascom, Dauby, Davenport, David, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, Dearborn, De Clercq, Deering, De Forest, Delamater, De Laney, Delaney, De Lano, De Long, Denison, Dennie, Dennison, Derbyshire, Deuel, Devan, Devereaux, Devolant, Dewey, Dewitt, De Wolf, Dexter, Deyo, Dick, Didama, Dietz, Dillaye, Divine, Dix, Dixon, Dodge, Donaldson, Donnelly, Doody, Doolittle, Doran, Doremus, Dorion, Dorrance, Douglass, Dow, Dowd, Downer, Downey, Downing, Drake, Draper, Drew, Driscoll, Dryer, Duffey, Duke, Dunbar, Dunham, Dunster, Dunton, Durfee, Durham, Durkee, Durst, Dutton, Dwinelle, Dygert, Dykeman, Eagan, Eames, Earll, Eaton, Eddy, Edgarton, Edson, Edwards, Ehle, Eisaman, Eldred, Eldridge, Ellinwood, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elmore, Elphick, English, Ensign, Enos, Esselstyne, Evans, Everett, Everton, Fairchild, Fancher, Farnam, Farnham, Farr, Farrell, Farwell, Faulkner, Fay, Fearon, Fellows, Felt, Felton, Fenner, Ferguson, Ferriere, Ferry, Field, Finch, Finney, Fish, Fisher, Fish, Fiske, Fitch, Flower, Flaherty, Foord, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forman, Forrester, Fort, Forte, Forward, Foskett, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Frederick, Freeman, Freemyer, French, Frink, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fuess, Fuller, Furman, Gage, Gale, Gardiner, Garrett, Gasten, Gary, Gaston, Gates, Gay, Gaylord, Gere, Germer, Gibbs, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillet, Gillett, Ginney, Girvin, Gleason, Godfred, Goff, Goldstein, Goodell, Goodenough, Goodrich, Goodsell, Goodwin, Goosens, Gorton, Gough, Gould, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greene, Greenhow, Greeland, Greenly, Greenwood, Gregg, Greiner, Greminger, Gridley, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Griner, Groat, Groesbeck, Groff, Grout, Guernsey, Guest, Guiteau, Gullerat, Gunn, Gurley, Hackley, Hadcock, Haight, Hakes, Halbert, Hale, Hall, Halliday, Hallock, Halsey, Hamblet, Hamblin, Hamlin, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanchett, Hand, Hannum, Harbottle, Harder, Hardie, Hardin, Hardy, Hare, Harmon, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartjen, Hartshorn, Hascall, Haskell, Haskins, Haswell, Hatch, Hatfield, Hathaway, Havens, Hawkins, Hawks, Hawley, Hayden, Hayes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazard, Hazeltine, Hazelton, Hazzard, Heacock, Head, Hearsey, Hecox, Heffron, Henderson, Henry, Herrick, Hess, Hewes, Hewitt, Hicks, Higgins, Higinbotham, Hill, Hills, Hinckley, Hinman, Hintermister, Hitchcock, Hitchman, Hoadley, Hoag, Hobbie, Hobart, Hodge, Hoffmann, Holbrook, Holden, Holdridge, Hollenbeck, Holmes, Holton, Hopkins, Hoppin, Horton, Hosley, Hostler, Hotchkin, House, Hough, Hovey, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howland, Howson, Hoxie, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hudson, Hueston, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Hunt, Huntington, Huntley, Hurd, Hurlbut, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huyck, Hyatt, Hyland, Ingalls, Ingraham, Isbell, Ives, Ivey, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jaqueth, Jarvis, Jenks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jepson, Jermy, Jerrold, Jewell, Jillson, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joslin, Joslyn, Joy, Judd, Jurden, Kaiser, Kearns, Keating, Keegan, Keeler, Keeney, Keesler, Keith, Keller, Kelley, Kellogg, Kelly, Kendrick, Kenfield, Kenna, Kennedy, Kenney, Kent, Kenyon, Kern, Kershaw, Keyes, Kibbie, Kilbourn, Kiley, Kilroy, Kimball, Kimberly, Kincaid, King, Kingsbury, Kingsley, Kinney, Kirkland, Kling, Klock, Kneiss, Knowles, Knowlton, Knox, Krumbhaar, Ladd, Lamb, Lamphere, Lane, Langdon, Langworthy, Lansing, Larkin, Lathrop, Lawton, Lawrence, Leach, Leavenworth, Ledyard, Lee, Leet, Leggett, Leland, Leonard, Levy, Lewis, Lighthall, Lillibridge, Lincklaen, Lindsley, Lints, Lippitt, Litchfield, Littlefield, Livermore, Livingston, Lloyd, Lochner, Lockwood, Logan, Long, Loomis, Lord, Loucks, Louder, Lounsbury, Loveland, Love, Lowd, Lowe, Lowell, Lower, Lownsberry, Loyster, Lucas, Luce, Luescher, Lull, Lumbard, Lyman, Lynch, Lynden, Lyon, McAlpin, McCabe, McClellan, McClanathan, McClure, McConnell, McCrellis, McCune, McDuffee, McElwain, McFarland, McGahan, McGraith, McGregor, McGuinness, McHenry, McLoughlin, McLean, McMahon, McMorrow, McMullen, MacDonnell, Mackey, Macomber, Madison, Maginnis, Mahan, Maine, Malcolm, Mallory, Malloy, Manchester, Manley, Mann, Mannering, Mansfield, Marcey, Markham, Marquisee, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, Mason, Mather, Mathers, Matthewson, Matteson, Matthews, Maybury, Maynard, Mayne, Mayo, Maxfield, Maxon, Maxwell, mead, Meader, Meaker, Medbury, Menzie, Merchant, Mereness, Merriam, Merrick, Merrill, Merrills, Merritt, Messenger, Messinger, Miles, Miller, Millington, Mills, Milmoe, Miner, Mitchell, Mix, Mixer, Moffett, Monroe, Montgomery, Montross, Moody, Moore, Moot, More, Morey, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Mosher, Moshier, Mott, Mowry, Moyer, Muir, Muller, Mulligan, Mumford, Munger, Munn, Munroe, Munson, Murphy, Murray, Murtagh, Muzzy, Myer, Myers, Myrick, Nash, Needham, Neff, Neil, Nellis, Nelson, Newitt, Newton, Nichols, Niles, North, Northrup, Norton, Nourse, Noxon, Nye, Oaks, O'Brien, Olby, Olin, Olmstead, Olney, O'Neil, Orton, Osborn, Osgood, Ostrander, Otis, Ottoway, Owen, Owens, Paddleford, Paddock, Page, Paine, Palmer, Palmiter, Palsley, Pardee, Park, Parker, Parkhurst, Parks, Parmalee, Parmelee, Parr, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Patten, Patterson, Pattison, Paul, Payne, Pearl, Pearlman, Pease, Peasley, Peck, Peckham, Peebles, Peet, Pennock, Perkins, Perry, Persons, Petrie, Pettitt, Pfeiffer, Phelps, Philipp, Phillips, Philpot, Pickard, Pickens, Pierce, Pike, Pilbeam, Piotrow, Plank, Plato, Polley, Pool, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Pray, Preston, Prior, Pritchard, Pryne, Pulford, Purdy, Putnam, Quackenbridge, Quackenbush, Quinn, Rabie, Rainbow, Rainey, Randell, Ramsey, Randall, Randolph, Rankin, Ranney, Ransom, Rasbach, Rathbone, Rathbun, Ratnour, Rawson, Raymond, Raynor, Rechtenwald, Reed, Reeves, Reidy, Remick, Remore, Ressegieu, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Riddell, Rider, Rightmyer, Riley, Ring, Risley, Ritter, Rivenburg, Roach, Roantree, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robie, Robinson, Rockwell, Roe, Rogers, Rollo, Root, Rose, Ross, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Rowlands, Royce, Ruby, Russell, Ryder, Sabin, Sabins, Sadler, Sage, St. Clair, Salisbury, Saltsman, Sanders, Sanford, Sanger, Satchwell, Satterlee, Saunders, Savage, Sawdy, Sawyer, Saxe, Sayles, Schaffer, Scheifele, Schellinger, Schuyler, Scofield, Scott, Sears, Seaver, Seeber, Seeley, Sellick, Senate, Senn, Sennet, Sergeant, Sexton, Seymour, Shaffer, Shapley, Shed, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shepard, Shepardson, Shephard, Shepherd, Sherburne, Sherman, Sherrill, Sherwood, Shields, Shipman, Shoecraft, Shumway, Silsby, Simmons, Simonds, Simons, Sims, Sinclair, Sisson, Siver, Sizer, Skadden, Skelton, Skidmore, Skinner, Slater, Slingerland, Sloan, Sly, Slyke, Smalley, Smith, Smyth, Snedeker, Snell, Snow, Snyder, Solon, Soper, Souter, Southwell, Southworth, Spaulding, Spear, Spencer, Sperry, Spooner, Squyers, Stacy, Stafford, Stanbro, Stanley, Stanton, Stapleton, Stark, Starr, Stearns, Stebbins, Steere, Steers, Stephens, Sternberg, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stiles, Stillman, Stillwell, Stimson, Stisser, Stoddard, Stone, Storke, Storrs, Story, Stow, Stowell, Stower, Stranahan, Stratton, Streeter, Striker, Stringer, Strong, Stroud, Suiter, Suits, Sumner, Sunderlin, Sutcliffe, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swayze, Sweet, Sweetland, Swift, Swinny, Switzer, Taber, Taft, Tallett, Tanner, Tappen, Taylor, Tayntor, Teale, Teller, Temple, Ten Eyck, Tenney, Terry, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Thorpe, Throop, Thurston, Tibbits, Tibbitts, Tillinghast, Tollotson, Todd, Tompkins, Tondeur, Tooke, Topliff, Torpy, Torrey, Towns, Townsend, Tracy, Travis, Treat, Trevor, Tripp, Troup, Trowbridge, Truesdell, Trumbull, Truman, Tucker, Tuckerman, Tully, Tupper, Turnbull, Turner, Tuthill, Tuttle, Twist, Twogood, Tyler, Tylesworth, Ufford, Underdown, Underhill, Underwood, Upson, Van Allen, Van Brocklin, Vane, Van Epps, Van Evra, Vander Hess, Van Hooser, Van Horn, Van Horne, Van Loon, Van Rensselaer, Van Riper, Van Sice, Van Slyck, Van Slycke, Van Slyke, Vanvalen, Van Vleck, Van Wagner, Vedder, Veling, Vollmer, Vrooman, Wade, Wadsworth, Wager, Wagoner, Waite, Walden, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walrath, Warr, Warcup, Warner, Warren, Warrick, Washburn, Waterman, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Way, Wear, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Wedge, Weed, Welch, Welington, Wells, Welton, Wendell, Wermuth, West, Westcott, Whedon, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitcomb, White, Whitford, Whitman, Whitmore, Whitnall, Whitney, Wibert, Wickwire, Wiggins, Wightman, Wilber, Wilbur, Wilbor, Wilcox, Wilcoxen, Wiley, Wilkin, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wiltse, Wimmet, Winchester, Wing, Wingman, Witherell, Witherhead, Witter, Wolf, Wood, Woodbury, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Woodworth, Woolaver, Wooley, Woolver, Worden, Worlock, Wright, Wylie, Yates, Yaw, York, Young, Youngs, Zimmer