What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Tulare and Kings Counties and their people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1913.




Tulare and Kings Counties,





The leading men and women of the County, who have been identified with its growth and development from

the early days to thepresent.


History By

Eugene L. Menefee and Fred A. Dodge









890 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Chapter I. Introductory to history of Tulare County
Chapter II. Indian War of '56
Chapter III. The effect of the Civil War on
Tulare County
Chapter IV.
Chapter V. Tulare County's citrus fruit
Chapter VI. The general rodeo
Chapter VII.
Exeter and other towns
Chapter VIII.
Porterville and other towns
Chapter IX. Anecdotes
Chapter X. The Mussel
Slough War
Chapter XI. The Kaweah Colony
Chapter XII. The Aborigines
Chapter XIII. National parks
Chapter XIV. Development of industries
Chapter XV. The railroad dream
Chapter XVI. Great train robberies
Chapter XVII. Churches, schools, population
Chapter XVIII.
Tulare's officers
Chapter XIX.
Tulare County today
Chapter XX. The organization of Kings County
Chapter XXI.
Lucerne Valley
Chapter XXII. Early county politics
Chapter XXIII. Irrigation
Chapter XXIV. Exit and return of
Tulare Lake
Chapter XXV. Railroads
Chapter XXVI. Dairy industry
Chapter XXVII. The city of
Chapter XXVIII
. Lemoore
Chapter XXIX. Evolution of the
San Joaquin Valley


Abbott, Adams, Agnew, Ainsworth, Akin, Alford, Allen, Antrim, Arnett, Ashley, Askin, Atwell, Aulman, Baca, Bacon, Bagby, Bairstow, Baker, Balaam, Ballou, Bardsley, Barnett, Barney, Bartlett, Barton, Bass, Bassett, Batchelder, Baumann, Baxley, Belz, Bequette, Bergen, Bernstein, Berry, Bertch, Best, Bezera, Biddle, Blain, Blair, Blakeley, Blamquist, Blaswick, Bliss, Blossom, Blowers, Bloyd, Bondson, Booker, Boone, Borgman, Bowker, Bozeman, Braly, Brazill, Brewer, Bridges, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Bruce, Buckbee, Budd, Burgamaster, Burke, Burnham, Burr, Burrel, Burrell, Burton, Bush, Byron, Campbell, Cann, Carle, Carlisle, Carter, Cartmill, Chance, Charles, Chatten, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clement, Clemente, Click, Coats, Cochran, Cody, Collins, Colpien, Comfort, Conkey, Cooke, Coolidge, Cooper, Cosper, Courtney, Crabtree, Cramer, Crane, Crawshaw, Creath, Crook, Cutler, Daly, Danner, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Deardorff, Decker, De La Grange, DeMasters, Denny, DeWitt, Dibble, Dineley, Dingley, Dockstader, Dodge, Donager, Donahue, Doyle, Dreisbach, Drennen, Dungan, Dunlap, Eccles, Eklof, Elliott, Elster, Erlanger, Esrey, Estes, Evans, Ewing, Farmer, Fenwick, Ferguson, Fickle, Ficklin, Fincher, Findley, Fine, Finn, Fisher, Fitzsimons, Follett, Fontana, Foster, Fowler, Frans, Freeman, Fry, Fudge, Fulmer, Furman, Gallaher, Gamble, Garcia, Garr, Gavotto, Giannini, Gibbons, Gibson, Gill, Gilligan, Glasgow, Glover, Goble, Gordon, Gough, Grabow, Graham, Gray, Gregory, Gribi, Griffin, Griffith, Griswold, Guiberson, Gurnee, Halford, Hall, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hannah, Hansen, Harris, Hart, Harvey, Hastings, Hauschildt, Hawley, Hayes, Hays, Headrick, Henley, Herrin, Heusel, Hickman, Hicks, Higdon, Hight, Hill, Hine, Hockett, Holley, Homen, Homer, Horsman, Hoskins, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howes, Howeth, Hubbs, Huffaker, Hunsaker, Huntley, Hyde, Jacob, Jacobs, Jameson, Jasper, Jenanyan, Johnson, Jordan, Joyner, Kaehler, Kanawyer, Kellenberg, Kelly, Kelsey, Kenney, Kimball, Kincaid, King, Kinkade, Kitchel, Klindera, Kneeland, Knierr, Knight, Knox, Knutson, Kyle, Lafever, LaMarche, LaMarsna, Laney, Lathrop, Leach, Leavens, Lee, Leebon, Lemos, Leoni, Lewis, Ley, Light, LIndsey, Lorendo, Loucks, Lovelace, Luce, Lynch, McAdam, McCarthy, McClure, McCord, McCracken, McFarland, McLaughlin, McLean, Macfarlane, Machado, Maddox, Majors, Mardis, Marshall, Mathewson, May, Mayer, Mayes, Melidonian, Michaelis, Miller, Millinghausen, Mills, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Moorehead, Morgan, Murphy, Murray, Navarre, Newman, Noble, Null, Oakes, Ogden, Ogilvie, Osborn, Overall, Parker, Parrish, parsons, Peacock, Perry, Peterson, Phariss, Phelps, Phillips, Platt, Poe, Pollock, Powell, Powers, Prestidge, Price, Putnam, Ragle, Raisch, Ramsey, Raney, Ratliff, Rea, Reed, Rehoefer, Reinhart, Renaud, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Rivers, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rock, Roes, Ross, Rosson, Rourke, Russell, Sage, Sahroian, Salladay, Scher, Schimmel, Schueller, Sciarone, Scoggins, Scott, Sears, Sellers, Setliff, Shannon, Sharp, Shippey, Shoemaker, Shreve, Sickles, Sigler, Silveira, Singleton, Slocum, Smith, Stayton, Steuben, Steves, Stokes, Storzback, Stubbelfield, Sturgeon, Swall, Swan, Sweeney, Taylor, Teague, Thayer, Thomas, Thomson, Tomer, Tompkins, Townsend, Tozer, Traeger, Traut, Trewhitt, Turner, Tyler, Twaddle, Unger, Vail, Vaughan, Vaughn, Waddell, Walker, Ward, Warner, Warren, Webb, Weddle, Wegman, Weigle, Wells, Wendling, West, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whittington, Williams, Wilson, Wirht, Wood, Woodard, Woods, Wookey, Work, Wray, Wright, Young, Zumwalt