Arlington To Boston by Emmet Swimming Cd

"Emmet Swimming - Odd name for a band, but these guys were one of the best playing the East coast College circuit in the mid/late '90's (right up there with Dave Matthews and Hootie). Plus they were good guys. My buddy fogot his ticket to see Live play at the big rock club on the other side of town in '94, so we headed over to the hole-in-the-wall bar back near campus. We went in to see a decent band from a couple of towns over, and Emmet was opening up. There wasn't much of a crowd that night and Emmet was peddling the album "Wake" that they'd just cut on the VA indie "Screaming Goddess" label. We talked to Todd and the guys for half an hour once they finished their set. About 15 shows later (for me, probably 215 for them) they got signed to the big label, re-released "Wake" and later put "Arlington" out. "Arlington..." captured their live sound and is just a great tribute to a great '90's college pop band."
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.
Disc's are also repackaged (labeled refurbished).