Antique Cabinet Card Photograph. Identified as Annie Brightwood Newell (married name: Smith). Photo by Knowlton Bros. studio of Westfield, MA. Annie was the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Newell. She was born November 7, 1862 and died November 3, 1947. She is buried in Pine Hill Cemetery in Westfield, MA. She was the wife of Edwin Jason Smith who was born February 21, 1857 and died April 24, 1934. He is also buried in Pine Hill Cemetery. The couple was married on October 28, 1885. They had at least two children named Livingston Newell Smith (1886-1953) and Harold Wells Smith (1890-1974.) Measures approximately 4.25 x 6.5 including mount. Condition: This is an original photograph, not a copy or reproduction. It is in excellent condition. Comments: This photo originally came in a Smith / Newell / Evleth family collection of images (sold individually) which included: A four generation photo of Jane Smith Evleth, Sarah Ann Evleth Newell, Livingston Newell Smith and Annie Brightwood Newell Smith (taken in a studio in Springfield, MA); A two-person photo of brothers Livingston Newell Smith and Harold Wells Smith (Westfield, MA); A two-person photo of brothers Livingston Dennison Smith and Edwin Jason Smith (Brooklyn, NY); multiple photos of Livingston Dennison Smith (Westfield, MA; New York City, St. Paul, MN); Livingston Newell Smith (Westfield, MA); Harold Wells Smith (Springfield, MA); Jane Smith Evleth; Annie Brightwood Newell Smith (wife of Edwin Jason Smith, taken in Springfield and Westfield, MA); Edwin Jason Smith (Westfield, MA; Brooklyn, NY); Louis Smith (Westfield, MA); Charles C. or E. Newell (Springfield, MA); Lizzie C. Newell (Springfield, MA); Lizzie C. Newell and brother George (Springfield, MA); and George D. Smith (Westfield, MA).