Ask a Policeman

Released August 29, 1939: Will Hay stumbles his way through another adventure as a policeman who stages a crime so that he can take credit for solving it, but soon becomes embroiled in a real crime that only he and his men can thwart.

Directed by: Marcel Varnel

Written by: Marriott Edgar, Val Guest  and J.O.C. Orton from a story by Sidney Gilliat.

The Actors: Will Hay Sergeant Dudfoot, Graham Moffatt Albert, Moore Marriott Harbottle, Glennis Lorimer Emily, Peter Gawthorne Chief Constable, Charles Oliver the Squire, Herbert Lomas Coastguard, Patrick Aherne motorist, Cyril Chamberlain radio announcer, Noel Dainton the Revenue Officer, Desmond Llewelyn the headless coachman, Dave O'Toole witness, Brian Worth broadcasting engineer.

Runtime: 1h 23m

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