
Released on December 2, 1946: A beautiful young ballerina in London searches for true love.

Directed by: Stanley Haynes

Written by: Compton MacKenzie

The Actors: Sally Gray Jenny Pearl Raeburn, Michael Wilding Maurice Avery, Stanley Holloway Charlie Raeburn, Bernard Miles Zachary Trewhella, Jean Kent Irene Dale, Catherine Lacey Florrie Raeburn, Nancy Price Mrs. Trewhella, Hazel Court May Raeburn, Michael Clarke Frank 'Fuzz' Castleton, Brenda Bruce Maudie Chapman, Anthony Holles Maestro Corentin, Ronald Ward Jack Danby, Mackenzie Ward Arthur Danby, Bruce Winston Mr. Montgomery Dutt, art critic, Dennis Arundell art gallery owner Studholme, Phyllis Monkman barmaid, Amy Veness Aunt Fanny, Marie Ault Mrs. Dale, Virginia Keiley Elsie Crawford, Pamela Foster Madge Wilson, Espinosa Joseph Vergo, clown, Bebe De Roland ballerina, Amy Dalby Aunt Mary, Kathleen Harrison unknown, Edie Martin Martha, Trewhella's cook, Ben Williams stage manager

Runtime: 1h 33m

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