Escort for Hire

Released on December 2, 1960: Two unemployed male actors who become paid escorts for wealthy women encounter adventure, romance, and murder.

Directed by: Godfrey Grayson

Written by: Mark Grantham

The Actors: June Thorburn Terry Kennedy, escort bureau owner, Pete Muray Buzz Jenkins, Noel Trevarthen Steve Walker, Jan Holden Elizabeth Quinn, Peter Butterworth Detective Inspector Bruce, Mary Laura Wood Barbara Vickers, Derek Blomfield Jack, Jill Melford Nadia Summers, Patricia Plunkett Eldon Baker, Guy Middleton Arthur Vickers, Catherine Ellison escort service receptionist Miss Phillips, Bruce Beeby Detective Sergeant Moore, C. Denier Warren porter, Viola Keats Marion Daily, Totti Truman Taylor the temperance lady

Runtime:1h 2m

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