Major Barbara
Released on May 14, 1941: A millionaire and a Salvation Army worker experience each other's life for one day, and both are forever changed.
Directed by: Gabriel Pascal
Written by: George Bernard Shaw, Anatole de Grunwald, Marjorie Deans and Gabriel Pascal
The Actors: Wendy Hiller (Major Barbara Undershaft), Rex Harrison (Adolphus Cusins), Robert Morley (Andrew Undershaft), Robert Newton (Bill Walker), Sybil Thorndike (the General), Emlyn Williams (Snobby Price), Marie Lohr (Lady Britomart), Penelope Dudley-Ward (Sarah Undershaft), Walter Hudd (Stephen Undershaft), David Tree (Charles Lomax), Deborah Kerr (Jenny Hill), Donald Calthrop (Peter Shirley), Marie Ault (Rummy Mitchens), Cathleen Cordell (Mog Habbijam), Torin Thatcher (Todger Fairmile), Miles Malleson (Morrison the butler), Felix Aylmer (James), Stanley Holloway (policeman), S.I. Hsiung (Ling), Kathleen Harrison (Mrs. Price), Mary Morris (unknown), Charles Victor (Bilton), O.B. Clarence (Pettigrew), Dane Gordon (unknown), Edward Rigby (man on Quayside), George Bernard Shaw (himself, writing the prologue), Billy Wells (unknown)
Runtime: 2h 11m
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