The Silent Passenger

Released on June 1, 1935: A man is accused of killing the blackmailing scoundrel who is running away with the man's wife.

Directed by: Reginald Denham

Written by: Dorothy L. Sayers with screenplay by Basil Mason

The Actors: John Loder John Ryder, Peter Haddon Lord Peter Wimsey, Lilian Oldland Mollie Ryder, Donald Wolfit Henry Camberley, Austin Trevor Inspector Parker, Leslie Perrins Maurice Windermere, Aubrey Mather Bunter, Robb Wilton Porter, Ralph Truman Saunders, Ann Codrington desk clerk, George De Warfaz Chief of Foreign Police, Annie Esmond old lady passenger, Dorice Fordred Camberly's accomplice, Vincent Holman railway works manager, Gordon McLeod Commissioner, Frederick Burtwell unknown, Percy Rhodes unknown

Runtime: 1h 15m

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