Released on May 17, 1943: A big city school teacher is fired because her brother-in-law id the big mob boss of the city, and has lots of enemies. She gets a job in a girls reformatory and discovers corruption there also.
Genre: Crime
Duration: 1h 15min
Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
Actors: Barbara Pepper (Ruth Martin), Arline Judge (Helen Martin), Addison Randall (Johnny Moon), Roger Clark (Frank Donovan), Robin Raymond (Rita Randall), Dorothy Burgess (Mrs. Peters), Clancy Cooper (Marcus), Patricia Knox (Jean Moon), Sid Melton (Pinkhead), Russell Gaige (Mr. Dalvers), Emmett Lynn (Lionel Cleeter), Richard Clarke (Tom Havershield), Betty Blythe (Mrs. Grey), Ernie Alexander (court reporter), Mary Bovard (Taffy, convict), Beverly Boyd (George), Gerald Brock (Smoky), Dorothy Brown (elevator operator), Roy Butler (bailiff), Eleanor Counts (Linda, convict), Madge Crane (Mrs. McCarthy), Ben Erway (bartender), Bess Flowers (courtroom spectator), Francis Ford (jury foreman), Henry Hall (Judge Coolidge), Kenneth Harlan (Police Lieutenant Jackson), Robert F. Hill (Dr. Orchard), Charles Jordan (Police chemist), Gloria Lake (Dottie), Charles McAvoy (court officer), Charles McMurphy (cop), Broderick O'Farrell (lawyer), Rose Plumer (Matron), Suzanne Ridgway (bar customer), Peggy Stewart (Terry, convict), Eileen Terrie (Maria, convict), Crane Whitley (Reverend Greene).
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