Kept Husbands
Released February 22, 1931: Joel McCrea is Dick Brunton, a working Steel foreman that becomes the kept husband of the boss' heiress daughter.
Genre: Drama
Director: Lloyd Bacon
Actors: Dorothy Mackaill (Dorothea 'Dot' Parker-Brunton), Joel McCrea (Richard 'Dick' Brunton), Ned Sparks (Hughie Hanready), Mary Carr (Mrs. Julia Brunton), Clara Kimball Young (Mrs. Lucille Post), Robert McWade (Arthur Parker), Bryant Washburn (Charlie Bates), Florence Roberts (Mrs. Henrietta Parker), Freeman Wood (Llewllyn Post), Eddy Chandler (steelworker), Lita Chevret (Gwen), Gregory Gaye (Monsieur Prinz, Paris dress shop owner)
Runtime: 1h 16min
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