Released on December 23, 1946: Ziggy Brennan learns from her mother how to live life to the fullest without ever having a job.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 35min

Director: Alfred Santell

Actors: Mona Freeman (Ziggy Brennan), James Dunn (Denny Reagan), William Marshall (CPO Martin J. 'Mart' Neilson), June Duprez (Natalie Brennan), Frank Jenks (Joe the cabbie), Dorothy Vaughan (Mom Reagan), Charles Arnt (Fred, Natalie's 2nd husband), Rosalind Ivan (Mrs. Merryman, nosy landlady), Fay Helm (Helen, Ziggy's neighbor), Bill Kennedy (Arthur, Helen's husband), Connie Leon (Miss Jane, Merryman resident), Edythe Elliott (Miss Unity, Jane's sister), Sarah Padden (Mrs. Graves, nice landlady), Jean Stevens (Dottie, Natalie's friend), Lucien Littlefield (the florist), Marion Martin (Marion, Natalie's girlfriend), Bebe Allen (teenager), Barbara Bettinger (school girl), Joan Blair (Natalie's friend), Stanley Blystone (policeman), Walden Boyle (assistant D.A.), Helen Brown (Olivette's mother), Tom Burton (escort), Spencer Chan (Chinese head waiter), Chester Clute (man in nightclub with quarter), Dorothy Crider (young girl), Harry Depp (photographer), Tom Dillon (Father Malloy), Lester Dorr (apartment house clerk), Ben Erway (townsman), Charles Flynn (detective), Cay Forester (school girl), Joy Gwynell (crying girl), Eddie Hart (helper), Paul Harvey (Judge), Louis Jean Heydt (Hefflin, Denny's lawyer), Earle Hodgins (street car conductor), Daral Hudson (escort), Duke Johnson (Chinese juggler), Harry C. Johnson (Chinese juggler), James Kirkwood (John Van Derwin), Peter Leeds (Bergie), Linda Leighton (saleswoman), Willene Luckett (little button nose), Mary Maynard (young girl), Dorothy Miller (teenager), Shirley Mills (Olivette, babysitter), Frances Morris (assistant Matron), Mary Newton (probation officer), Eva Novak (old woman), Steve Pendleton (Ed), Charles Quigley (detective), Torchy Rand (girl), Keith Richards (escort), Ruth Robinson (woman deputy), Tommy Ryan (Olivette's boyfriend), Ralph Sanford (Fatso, Reagan's boss), Fred Santley (florist), Arthur Space (Mr. Krassman), Linda Stirling (not a cameo appearance), Charles Sullivan (upholsterer boss), Max Wagner (moving man), Josephine Whittell (Mrs. Van Derwin), Isabel Withers (Miss Pendergast), Barbara Jean Wong (nightclub singer), Gordon Wynn (Ben), Murray Yeats (minister), Guy Zanette (escort)

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