:::::Product Detail:::::
:::::Miracle Gift Powerful Luck in Lover Locket Inn Keaw Mahasaneh Amulets Love Attraction Pendant by Lp Ruam Wat Koksaamraan Temple,Petchaboon Province Thailand
:::::Material: Locket Magic Materials
This amulet for boosting sex appeal power.This Amulets power can help the owner do any mysterious things.Just think in your mind for the one you like or love and hold this amulet in your hand. Also it has power of Good luck attraction.Just wear this amulet when you play game of luck in Casino. You will be incredibly lucky ,This is a gorgeous amulet/ pendant from Thailand.Thai people believe that the image of this Buddha is extremely powerful in making the owner attractive to anyone they want to close with. It also keeps away bad or evil spirits. It will make a fantastic gift for someone special or for a collector of Asian antiques.Keep it with you for Love Good Luck Attraction Power or keep it in your house .
Effect is for:
1)Get rid of bad luck
2)Good metta
3)Get rid of evil spirit and forces
4)Strong protection against harm
5)Increase good luck
6)Prevent black magic and inauspicious thing
It is very rare and looks so beautiful.
It will be one of the best in your collection!!!!