Jesus was in Bethany. A woman came with a sealed jar. It contained very expensive perfume made out of pure nard. She broke the jar open and poured the perfume on Jesus’ head. Some of the people became angry. They said why waste this perfume it could have been sold for more than a year’s pay. The money could have been given to poor people. “Leave her alone,’’ Jesus replied. “The perfume was meant for the day I am buried. You will always have the poor among you. But you won’t always have me.’’  Ingredients: MYRRH a natural gym comes from small trees that grow in the east Africa and south Arabia, Sweet smelling cinnamon that is made from the inner bark of branches of the Cinnamon tree, and unusual beautiful colored flower called Iris. Light of Jerusalem. “Spikenard and Saffron: Calamus and Cinnamon: with all trees of Frankincense: Myrrh and Aloes, with all the chief spices:” (Song of Solomon 4:14) This Israeli-made perfume represents a time-honored and celebrated tradition of producing perfumes in the land of Israel.  The perfume is based on a combination of flowers and plants essences mentioned in the Bible and characteristic of the Holy Land, among them: Myrrh, Rose of Sharon, Narcissus, Mandarin, Jasmine and Lily of the Valleys. The design and the hand-decoration of the bottles were inspired  by ancient perfume bottles found at archaeological sites in the Holy Land.