This soul satifying book will appease the palate as well as the heart, with more than a hundred tempting recipes that will vex readers torn between the urge to keep reading and the desire to run straight to the kitchen and start cooking. In Cooking for Mr. Latte Hesser has created an exhilarating new form: a food diary rather than a food memoir. She brings her renowned passion for food into perfect balence with her passion for life as she lives it, not as she recalls it. Whether we see Hesser channeling Julia Child for a nerve racking dinner party, relishing the private contentment of cooking for one, or preparing a simple snack for the man she loves, Cooking for MR. Latte teems with all piquant pleasures that life, food, and good company have to offer.
"Cooking for Mr. Latte is proof that great food is truly seductive, and any prospective suitor should make haste to read it and cook from it often. But bit is much more than a cookbook for the lovelorn. In a voice that resonates with candor and wit, Hesser dramatizes the curious.....often hilarious..........ways that informs all our relationships." Crabass
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