Just squeeze and lock to hydraulically pump and pack waterproofing silicone.
Pre-filled silicone fully encapsulates all bare wires, closing all entryways against moisture and corrosion. A double O-ring seal bars water from creeping in, and latches lock the connector around the wires. Blazing Wire ConnectorsTM are vibration-proof and never dangle off the wires.
Professionals generally check the wiring first when examining a faulty pet containment system because traditional connectors regularly fail to maintain the connection and protect it from moisture and corrosion. Blazing Wire ConnectorsTM are the solution - They're the economical connectors that make the connection first and seal it second.
"A poor wire connection will always lead to an expensive and time-consuming call back. A call back takes time and money out of your pocket... Unlike ordinary twist-on wire connectors that traditionally cause gaps into which moisture can enter and accumulate, Snaploc wire connectors are 100-percent water resistant."
--Tech Times, Official quarterly of Irrigator Technical Training School, CA ("Snaploc...Innovation at Its Best!", Fall 2001)
For use with solid or stranded wire, 18AWG to 24AWG
Maximum 30 volts - 10 amps.
Minimum 2 #24 AWG - Maximum 5 #18 AWG