Are you looking to use runes for than just divination purposes? These Rune Spell Kits are the answer!  Each kit includes spells & exercises that correspond to the rune they’re tied to.  When you order a Rune Spell Kit, you’ll receive the rune stone, the spells, rituals and even exercises you can do that connects to that rune stone.  With each kit, you’ll receive the candles, the herbs and if a spell, ritual calls for it, a sachet bag I hand sew.  You’ll have all you need to perform the rituals and spells (I don’t provide bowls or knives) I invite you to look through each of these Rune Spell Kits so you can decide which you’d like to buy. Each Rune Spell Kit is only $14 including shipping in the Continental USA; this is an absolute STEAL for all you’ll receive!  With each kit, I also throw in, absolutely FREE, my guidance if you need it.  So when you purchase any of these Rune Spell Kits, if you are confused about any of the steps, you are welcome to private message me on facebook messenger and I’ll gladly help you out!  
Want to see what customers have to say about my products? Check out my Clients Page on my website-
  Below you’ll find each Rune, what they connect with and what you’ll receive in your kit. Remember, each kit will include the candles, the herbs and more. All you have to supply, when it’s needed, is a bowl, cup, a knife and such and of course the most important ingredient of all- Your Willpower!  
Pm me with your order or with any questions you may have before you order.  
Ansuz Rune: Increases spiritual consciousness & wisdom, increases and strengthens the psychic abilities. 
This wonderful kit includes  the rune,  mugwort for meditation, mojo bag for confidence & inspiration, 2 creative inspiration spell- one for writing & one for art type creativity
Berkana Rune: promoter of new beginnings, brings ideas & projects to a bright conclusion.  As a birth rune, use it to heal feminine health problems and to protect mother/child. 
This kit includes the rune, Knot spell & materials, & a protective charm spell & materials. 
Dagaz rune is a harbinger of total light & enlightenment. It brings the dawn of a new day & opens doors on all planes to complete realization. Induces cosmic consciousness, invokes perfection, helps situations & matters to flower. Dagaz rune is a potent protector of portal gateways. Renders a person or thing invisible(not literally of course). Banishes negativity and can be used for financial increase, to assist in launching a new project and is a good luck charm. This rune comforts those who are grieving, lessens the pain and cures sickness. 
In this kit include the rune, protection spell. Money & Abundance spell, a Grieving Ritual,
Ehwaz rune:  is a rune of partnership, marriage & pact. It binds a pair together toward a mutual end & facilitates movement over obstacles. A bringer of swift change, progress & motion. This rune is a general good luck charm to pull toward you the protection and safe bonds of friendship.
In this kit, you will find the rune as well as a relationship ritual you can do with your beloved. This ritual will NOT make you stay together or force either of you into anything you don’t want as I don’t believe in giving such spells or rituals to anyone.  This ritual will help open the communication pathway as well as bring light to your relationship so that you mutually continue to work on your relationship for as long as you’re together, to create a happy, healthy relationship.  Another ritual will help you to use this rune for a good luck charm. 
Eihwaz is a rune of endurance for hardening one's self & achieving true aims. A hunter rune for stalking &
attaining an objective & facilitates the ability to survive. This is a potent magickal protector. A guard against self-destructive behaviour & with that, it's excellent when dealing with alcoholism or drug abuse. Use this to find lost objects, complete a challenging task or finding a new job or home because it gives you strength.
In this kit, you’ll receive the Eihwaz rune, spell for focus & completing a task or a ritual to break a drug addiction, alcohol abuse or any other addiction. 
Elhaz is the guardian rune of activated higher consciousness, protection & confident warding away or
destruction of harmful forces. An active ward & defender, it increases the field of one's magickal workings.
In this kit, you’ll receive the rune as well as a Protection spell/warding spell. & a protection charm spell
The Fehu rune attracts wealth, initiates prosperous enterprises, brings motivation & activity, circulates
abundance & life-force & invokes the fire of the heavenly bodies. Repeated use of Fehu will give you a larger capacity to send & receive energy. Use this to advance projects & goals to the next stage, to protect property & valuables, to give your career an added boost & to increase wealth.
This kit will include the rune, a spell for prosperity & a charm spell for motivation. 
Gebo rune is an energy of balance, promotes generosity & exchange, brings gifts & mutual benefits. This is
a powerful enhancer of marriages, partnerships, bonding & relationships in general. It establishes mutual
giving, brings good luck & abundance as well as bridging the human & divine realms. 
In this kit, you’ll receive the rune as well as a ritual to help enhance your current relationship with someone you love(this ritual will require u both to perform) and also a ritual to help connect with Deity. 
Hagalaz is the rune of protective  which turns away storms & evil spells. It crystalizes the life-pattern & facilitates shamanic passage between the worlds. It's useful for overcoming obstacles, banishing bad habits & aiding in decision making. It's a blessing rune in marriage & partnerships if used in its protective energies. 
In this kit, you’ll receive the rune as well as a ritual for protection, a ritual for your relationship & also a ritual for breaking addiction.
Inguz rune brings focus & centering, invokes inner energy expansion, promotes fertile opportunities. Calms domestic difficulties & brings safety to home & work environments. Helps to bring about a successful conclusion to any matter and allows one to release energy quickly. 
With this kit, you’ll receive the rune, a fertile opportunity ritual, a motivational spell & a knot ritual for Concluding a Matter/Task
Isa is a blocking rune which hinders, slows & stops events. It freezes & obliterates unwanted activity & can
be a bringer of stillness & total stasis. It provides clarity, inward focus, concentration, strength in solitude & a turning to one's center of gravity. It helps to ferret out your enemies and is a binding rune. It can be used to cancel unwanted aggressiveness or to stop someone who is harassing you. 
With this kit, you’ll receive the rune along with a freezer spell, a focus ritual as well. 
Jera is a bringer of gentle revolution & improvement. Use this when material results are expected, especially if you've spent your time, money or effort. It promotes changes for the better. Jera rune establishes peaceful prosperity & brings productive results. It's very helpful in legal matters as well as magickal workings involving fertility magick. It can turn any dream into reality & is considered a good luck rune. Excellent rune for herbalists, gardeners, farmers & landscapers.
With this kit, you’ll receive the Jera rune, an abundance spell, Luck & money powder, freezer spell for legal matters & a fertilize opportunities ritual 
Kaunaz rune is the rune of openings. It awakens executive ability, unleashes skills & prolific creative
impulses, reveals secrets, finds hidden knowledge, works well in love magick, kindles the flame of knowledge & the cunning of one's own mind. It increases artistic crafts and creative levels. 
This kit’ll include the rune, a creativity spell and a studying/research sachet
The Laguz rune holds both constructive & destructive power of the lunar tides. It increases intuition, psychic seership, clairvoyance. It gives access to the dream realm and is good for drawing down moon energy. Use this to help put someone gently to sleep, bringing them pleasant dreams. 
This kit comes with the rune, small ritual for intuition strengthening, a ritual to help with sleep and spell for drawing down the moon’s energy with this rune.  
Mannaz is the thought rune for increasing intelligence & intellectual power. It brings success in study &
mental effort, aids in social integration & career potential & is a bringer of psychic harmony.
With this kit, you’ll receive the rune as well as a ritual for study/professional success & a charm spell to help with social integration. 
Naudhiz is a banishing rune. Helps turn frustration & stress to one's advantage. It liberates from
constrictions, loosens the bonds of ill Wyrd(karmic destiny). It enables one to turn a bad situation into a
good one and is used to bind in curses. 
This will come with this rune, a binding spell & a spell to turn “lead to gold” 
Othila enhances peace, security & prosperity of home & hearth. Draws fortunate influences into a dwelling, aids in putting down roots, protects & screens the house enclosure & safeguards monetary investments. It also invokes the earth & ancestral tradition.
This kit includes the rune, 4 corners home blessing, family harmony jar spell, Home Protection Ritual
Perthro is for understanding the hidden roots of past incarnations & for unlocking ancestral memories.
Use in divination, meditation, self-hypnosis & hypnosis therapy. It provides answers to mysteries. This
rune's shaped like a cup so when it's opening to the right, it equates to birth, when opening to the left, it
equates to death- not necessarily literal. This is also a great rune to use for success & prosperity workings.
In this kit, you’ll receive the rune, a prosperity ritual, an abundance mojo bag, meditation 
Raidho is the rune of ritual & it helps to  establish rightful order, obtains justice & assists in finding the right way of your life's true purpose. It brings progress & good counsel & helps to right unsteady & wayward situations. It moves or removes energies & directs them to specific destinations. Inscribe on your vehicle to carry you to safety in travels. Excellent for divination, astral travel, meditation & hypnosis. 
This kit includes the rune, Good counsel spell, justice spell
The Sowilo rune helps with self-orientation & guidance toward the light. Use to strengthen the witch's
magickal will. It invokes solar power of victory & success. It promotes spiritual will power and draws the
female energy of the sun into the personal sphere. In the runic system, the sun is feminine & the moon's
This kit will include the rune, a focus ritual, meditation exercise, an abundance jar spell
Thurisaz brings breakthroughs & catalyzes change & regeneration, beginnings, luck and protection. It can
break barrenness & stimulate fruitfulness. 
In this kit, you’ll receive the rune as well as a Breakthrough ritual, a Luck Spell and a protection ritual for your home
Tiwaz rune is for victory in contests, trials & legal judgments. An upholder of faith, steadfastness & honor. It strengthens confidence during ordeals & competitions; invokes justice and maintains order. Tiwaz sustains promises & oaths. It speeds healing. 
This kit will include the rune, a mental & physical health spell, a self-healing incantation & a legal help spell
Uruz enhances strength, removes weakness & self-doubt and draws earth & oak-strength into the personal sphere. Use this to draw new situations to you, to initiate new processes or to divert difficulties through sudden change. 
This kit includes the rune, a mental & physical health spell, a self-doubt ritual & a fertile opportunities ritual 
Wunjo is the wish rune. Induces success & harmony with others, heals disagreements between people &
groups. It brings contact with like-minded people, establishes empathy, fellowship & friendly interactions. It promotes peace, fruitfulness & sensuality. 
This kit includes the rune, a wish spell, family harmony & co-workers harmony ritual
Again, each kit is only $14 including shipping in the continental US. I will be happy to ship overseas but the shipping cost will have to be calculated after the kit is put together and weighed.  For anyone who orders 3 or more kits at one time, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your total order! PM me with your order or any questions, thank you for looking.