Haunted Spirited Clever Luck-Bringing Leprechaun

Green Aventurine Necklace


This auction is for the ring and vessel of a spirited Leprechaun.  He is over 1200 years old.  He is mischievous to say the least but loveable and helpful. He must be fully respected and not until he warms up to you will he appear to you in any way. 

Once that happens luck will be on your side. BUT if he is not respected and welcomed properly things will not go well and you may lose more than you gain so be on guard and be prepared to work to gain his trust and approval.  He is excellent at finding lost things as well as new things.  Once you have bonded he is a joy to be around.

The vessel is a beautiful genuine green aventurine necklace set in white copper.  It is 18" in length.

Green aventurine has natural properties:   Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer.  It neutralises all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment.  Green Aventurine settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts.  It brings well-being and emotional calm.  It is a wonderful  all-around healer.

As a bonus I'm adding a beautiful Tibetan silver charm with the word "WISH" on one side and a  fairy on the other.  It is a beautiful, heavy, high-quality charm.


***ALSO While supplies last I will add one package (16 servings per package, 1/4 tsp per serving) of Sweet Treat Offering for Spirits.  A wonderful way to show appreciation to your Leprechaun and other Spirits.***


I will reveal his name and a ritual to perform once you bring him into your home.


Thank you for looking!