This is Reminisce Magazine Jun/Jul 2010 "Sunny Side Mamories of Summer Fun".

"Road Trip!" - Mom's cheerful enthusiasm didn't always match the adventure
"Broken Heart Surgery" - Young medical student saw his dream nurse vanish
"Bicycle Dilemma" - Riding was one of his favorite things -- until Dad's solemn talk
"Dollar Days" - Family spurred a town to pass the buck - over and over - for March of Dimes
"Hollywood Babes" - Try matching the childhood pictures with the stars
"Riveting Rosies" - Farm women proudly filled war production needs
"High Up and Heroic" - Strong swimmer made his mark with stunt soaring and lifesaving
"Exposed Toes" - delighted his summer senses
"Grandpa's 'Love Seat'" - Birthday surprise came together in a pinch.