PRO HAIR ULTRA-SAFE ADHESIVE REMOVER 4OZPro Hair 4oz UltraSafe Adhesive Remover (Step 1 in Pro Hair Labs Attachment and Removal System) Professional Hair Labs Ultra-Safe is a one of a kind formulation designed to protect and soothe the scalp while removing the bonding adhesive. Ultra-Safe is an all natural, bio-degradable adhesive remover for use on the scalp only. Unlike all citrus and alcohol removers on the market today, Ultra-Safe is designed not to affect the PH balance of the scalp. One of the most common problems affecting poor bonding is due to the triggering of the scalps sebaceous glands while cleaning and prepping. This causes excess oils to penetrate your newly applied adhesive and not have a chance to fully cure. Use Ultra-Safe once and you are guaranteed to see the difference! • Organic Bio-Degradable Adhesive Remover for the scalp Instructions: Only to be used for cleaning scalps.