Evolution vs. God Dvd
Still factory Sealed

This is a great video, because it exposes the weakness in what so many people have put their faith into thinking is true so they can justify that no God exist and ignore any need for God, or specifically, reading or learning about the Word of God in the Bible. This evolutionary blind faith helps ease their conscious so they don't have to believe they might be accountable for what and how they live their lives in sin. Sadly, just because one believes there is no God, doesn't erase the truth that there is a God, nor that they will stand to give an accounting of their life on earth to a Holy God. By rejecting Christ in preference to Darwin, they are rejecting their opportunity to receive what one might call a get out of Hell free card if this where the game of Monopoly. Sadly, it is a much more important game, they game of your life and eternity. It is a very dangerous game one chooses to play with their eternity by believe in nothing of substance which is macro evolution!

Faith in macro evolution leaves one completely empty if we came from fish, and primates, then we are essentially nothing. Evolutionary thinking gave support to the acts of such evil men as Hitler, Mao, Stalin and other genocidal mass murderers of the 20th century. On the other hand, faith in Christ gives each of us a promise that Jesus will never leave us, nor forsake us. It promises us eternal life with Him in Heaven and that we are loved, that we have purpose, and that each of us is unique and beautifully made in the Creators eyes.

Open your mind, think beyond the dogma of Satan which is macro evolution. Anything that leads you away from Christ has Satanic origin as he is the great deceiver who comes to kill and destroy.

If you are reading this, let me leave you with one method for moral analysis, and spiritual too. Simply ask - what is the fruit? What I mean by this is what will it bare in humanity if followed? The fruit of evolution bares death. The fruit of the Gospel and Christ bares life. The fruit of abortion bares death. The fruit of adoption bares life. If split on a belief system because it cannot be proven, go with the one that sides with life, and reject the one that sides with death. Anything that bares, or leads to life is good anything that bares, or leads to death is bad.
