HIGH ALTITUDE NATURALS Calendula Essential Oil is Therapeutic grade, 100% Pure and Potent, steam distilled from the flowering tops of Calendula Officinalis plant. Calendula Essential Oil is beneficial for reducing inflammation and promoting wound healing. It has been used to provide a relief for a variety of skin conditions, including, but not limited to: ulcerations, eczema, psoriasis, juvenile acne, dry phthiriasis, minor burns including sunburns, warts; and minor injuries such as sprains and wounds. Calendula essential oil has a high content of flavonoids, chemicals that act as anti-oxidants in the body. Calendula essential oil is an anti-septic, improves blood flow to the affected area and promotes the production of collagen proteins, providing great skin plumping, anti-wrinkle, and beautifying benefits. Calendula essential oil proves high efficiency in preventing skin from over-drying, inhibiting the formation of sun-caused wrinkles. Due to the high content and of carotenes, phytosterols and polyphenols, Calendula oil also delays premature aging of the skin tissue. The benefits of Calendula oil related to healing, scar-prevention are truly magical., Calendula oil is successfully used for chapped skin and lips, scrapes, gashes, insect stings and bites, eczema, bed and pressure sores. It is safe to be applied in the area around eyes.Calendula oil is also useful in healing leg ulcers, varicose veins, chilblains, bed sores. Calendula oil is salubrious for cracked nipples from breast-feeding and still it is harmless for the child. Calendula oil has been long recognized as powerful aphrodisiac. It provides with fast relief in case of flatulence and colic. Calendula oil is frequent ingredient of masculine colognes due to its special aroma. Calendula is used in various creams, lotions, salves, herbal ointments, and other kinds of natural cosmetics. Intended for topical use only. Do not apply on skin undiluted.
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Package quantity: 1