This listing is for 4 Gentian Rose Pink, Sabatia angularis Pods.
I only give big full pods and crush each to be sure its full of seeds.
Each big pod has well over 150 seeds,
so 4 pods is at Least 500 seeds - more than enough to get you started.
This beautiful and unique plant flowers from July to August with The Most Fragrant Pink Flower I have ever found.
A Must for bee loving folks looking to sweeten their air.
The flowers are cross-pollinated by long-tongued bees and possibly other diurnal insects with long mouthparts (e.g., butterflies and skippers). Charles Robertson (1929) observed a little carpenter bee, Ceratina dupla, and a large leaf-cutting bee, Megachile brevis, visiting the flowers for nectar or pollen. The caterpillars of the moth, Agyrostrotis anilis (Short-Lined Chocolate), feed on Sabatia spp. (Rose Pinks). Common Rose Pink is a bitter-tasting plant, but it is unclear to what extent this may deter its consumption by mammalian herbivores.
There are many health-related products that contain gentian extracts. Gentian extracts from many species have been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-hepatic (against diabetes), lower fevers (febrifuges), and are used for a wide variety of purposes. They are also added to diet pills, hair-loss products, homeopathic medicines, body cleansing products, and more.
We enjoy keeping this one in a vase through summer and think you will as well.
Thank you for looking!