Angels of the
Rainbow Rays and 7 ancient spells from Hudansaad Shamasee 


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 Angels of the Rainbow Rays

Vessel:  Beautiful Angel charm.  You will receive a randomly chosen Angel.  No chain included. 


The rainbow rays have certain qualities, which are given in the teachings of the ascended masters, and are given below:


1. The 1st Ray -- the Blue Ray
the path of the power for will, determination, faith, divine direction and protection.

2. The 2nd Ray -- the Yellow or Gold Ray
the path of wisdom, understanding, or illumination and education of the heart. 

3. The 3rd Ray -- the Pink Ray
The path of love, devotion, compassion,  adoration,  charity, loving kindness, and consideration.

4. The 4th Ray -- the White Ray 
the path of purity and wholeness.

5. The 5th Ray -- the Green Ray
the path of truth, healing, science, music, dance, abundance, supply and prosperity. 

6. The 6th Ray -- the Purple Ray 
the path of peace, friendships, and happy times.

7. The 7th Ray -- the Violet Ray
the path of mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation of God,  and alchemy.

This is the perfect item for you if you are in need of Angelic intervention.  This protects against dark forces and draws forth light.


Manindred Shamasee enhanced these charms by also adding 7 spells from his Grandfather Hudansaad Shamasee's book of shadows.


1. Circumdata solis imago- Which translates to surrounded by light.  You will be surrounded by benevolent spirits that will provide protection and draw forth rare miracles.

2. Indulgens debitum- Which translates to forgiving debt.  This refers to karmic debt.  This spell will allow you to release past karmic from all past lives debt so that you can move forward in this life.

3. Cor misereatur- Which translates to gracious heart.  This spell teaches you to be thankful.  When we send these energies outward, they will be returned tenfold by others giving unto you.

4. Tempore messis- Which translates to harvest time.  This spell brings closure to the things you have long waited for.  Your hard work will be rewarded with the harvest of fruits of your labor.

5. Infinita Ofes-Which translates to Infinite wealth.  This spell aligns your energies with all wealth frequencies.

6. Justitiae omnibus- Which translates to Justice for all.  This spell rights all wrongs against you and your family.  No harm will come to those who seek to do you harm, but they will be taught valuable lessons which will serve to the better good. 

7. Amare verum-Which translates to true love.  This spell ensures that you will find your true love during this life time to experience the deepest connection possible.




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