American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: JULY 1997; VOLUME 61, ISSUE 660 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. COVER: Rose-Colored Glasses (detail, shown in reverse), by ELLEN HUTCHINSON, 1997, oil, 28 x 50. Collection Maureen and George Rayborn. FEATURES: METHODS & MATERIALS: PROMOTING YOUR ART-- THE LITTLE DETAILS OF MAKING A BIG IMPRESSION by Christopher Willard. ON LOCATION WITH PETER ADAMS by Linda S. Price. Dedicated to working en plein air, this California artist has painted in exotic destinations around the world. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: KNOWING AND USING THE BASICS by Max Muller. Watercolor is a difficult medium to work with, but once you learn to control it, you'll find there's nothing more rewarding in painting than the exciting luminescence of transparent colors. PAINTING STILL LIFES OF ABUNDANCE by M Stephen Doherty. ELLEN HUTCHINSON sorts through her large collection of still- life objects and arranges them into pictures celebrating the beauty and richness of life. THE PASTEL PAGE: CREATING TRANSLUCENCE WITH PASTELS by Linda S. Price. Jeff Webb uses crosshatching and underpainting techniques to lend a translucent quality to the skin tones of the figures in his paintings. SEEING PAINTINGS INSTEAD OF LOCATIONS by Susana Byers. "I focus on color, texture, and placement as much as image," says Californian Mitchell Johnson. "If one of these elements doesn't work, I'll scrape off the paint and start over again--as if the entire view had failed to come together.". USING FRENCH GRAY TO ENRICH COLORED-PENCIL DRAWINGS by Sandra Angelo. Renton, Washington, artist Barbara Newton applies colored pencil over value studies rendered in French gray to punch up the hues in her still lifes. NUTS & BOLTS: Resources and practical information for artists, plus a story about an artist who created a series of paintings based on her memories of waitressing at a cafe in East St. Louis, Illinois. DEPARTMENTS: WELCOME. LETTERS. EXHIBITS. TECHNICAL PAGE by Jane Sutherland. ART MART. BULLETIN BOARD. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. COMING IN AUGUST. RECOMMENDED BOOKS. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)