This is a dark arts offering. Cannot be used for peace, mercy, compassion, healing and similar purpose.


We wish to present our Voodoo Vessel of Mind Control to our procurers. We can create as many as required from these vessels.

It contains the spiritual essence, powers and energies of various Loas, Ghede, Barons, crossroad spirits, dead souls, dark avatars, demons, devils, succubi, incubi, sanguine vampires and other dark arts entities.

It was enchanted with numerous voodoo spells, spellcodes and rituals, anointed with mind control and domination oils, personally enchanted by Mystic Eliora over a 15 days long process over a dark demonic altar.

The end result is a powerful relic to control others and manifest your dark desires. The bracelet radiates with voodoo, dark, demonic and fire energies. When you wear it, it will bestow upon you an aura of domination and authority. Others will obey your commands and carry out your wishes without question. They will want to help you and serve you.

It's purpose is to use mind control on others, gain dominance and authority over them, make others submit to you and perform what you desire to happen.

You can employ it to make an annoying co-worker no longer disturb you, get rid of a bully or gossip-maker, make someone fall in love you, banish an enemy or ex-lover from your life, make your boss give you a larger salary or promotion, bring you sex partners to get laid, fulfill your strange and unique sexual desires and various other things.

The entities will not object for an unethical or immoral wish or command. So long as you respect them and give them commands where they hold dominion, then they will perform the tasks you give them. They will serve you without question, deliver swift and mega powerful results.

The bracelet and the entities bound to it will also increase your beauty, charisma, attraction, domination and authority over itself. These will gradually improve over time. You will not regret purchasing this very powerful offering.

Your enemies will fear you. They will want to make peace with you or disappear from your life. Anyone approaching you with a hostile intent will be repelled with a spitting headache. Your entirely life will change and improve after possessing this bracelet and working with the ancient divinities involved in it.

What is your desire? Sex, money, love, fame, respect, control over others or something else? The powerful beings bound to this incredible relic can give you all these and more!

The spirits involved in this ritual pack will never harm you in any way. They are perfectly safe with pets, children, friends, relatives, etc. Treat the entities with respect and in return, they will gladly help you, serve you and fulfill your dark commands.

They enjoy breaking the minds of others, let you gain control over them, use them for sex and carnal desires, have the enemy submit to you or disappear from your life, make others do what you want and similar things.

No bonding ritual is required. The bracelet and other items are enchanted with passive magick. Just by wearing the bracelet, you will be able to clearly see, hear and work with the entities involved in this Voodoo Vessel of Mind Control.

Their names, full powers, etc. will be revealed only to the new Keeper.

The vessel includes a bracelet, that is the main item, one spellcast candle, one channeling stone and a charging pouch filled with sacred spiritual herbs.