We have an 11 Meter CB Radio Operator’s call book Directory on CD, we are talking about all of Channel 6 Super Bosses, If you listen or talk on Channel 6, which is better known as the Super Bowl, than this is a CD that you will just have to have, This is 215 pages of Big Time CB Radio Operator Legends, It has the Information on each CB Radio Operator that you have probably talked to for years, you will get Info. For every Operator in every State, from A to Z, if there is anyone out there in DX land that you have been listening to or talking to, and would like to contact them, this CD will help you do just that, all of the information has been put in PDF format, from State to State in Alphabetical order, so if you are an Old Time CB Radio Operator, and have lost contact with some of your Old Time CB Buddies, this is your chance to find them, it took me a while to put all of this information together into PDF format, but I knew that you would enjoy this CD a whole lot better than flipping through the pages of some old book, Satisfaction is Guaranteed or your money back, so you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, I except Paypal Only,,,