I'm Not Sentimental by Rob Kendt Cd
1 Lullaby
2 I'm Not Sentimental
3 Suspicious Parties
4 Pick Me
5 Graded On a Curve
6 Luck
7 Oops I Did Bungalow Bill
8 Quiet Girl
9 Nothing to Prove
10 Summer Is Coming
11 Shelter From the Storm
12 My Life in Pants
13 Only the Lonely/Je Te Veux
14 Inspections
Kendt's songs are each lovely works of literature, wonderfully constructed short stories, the likes of which you would expect to find in The New Yorker... He makes each song seem like a tale he's telling just for you. --Rock City News

Kendt plays that good old singer/songwriter style music... sort of Tom Waits meets a (lively) Damien Jurado in a country bar over a pint and a piano style that holds all the emotion without the sappy camp... He also plays piano mash-ups which are awesome. --Freenyc.net
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.