INHUA SLIM - 36 capsules for slimming Expiry date- 07.2022
Inhua Slim is a high-tech product that reduces body weight and balances metabolism. They achieve lasting results in the fight against the extra pounds, which are most often the result of stress, unhealthy eating, and the restricted motor regimen that accompanies the everyday life of the modern man. "INHUA SLIM" capsules are a food supplement made from natural natural products - known and exotic oriental plants, which help the body permanently handle overweight and deposited harmful substances. They effectively cleanse cellulite and improve the condition of the skin. The results are achieved without special conditions and starvation, leading to a more elegant figure and a wonderful feeling of inner ease. Content of 1 capsule: 300 mg balsamic pear, Garcinia cambodia, lotus leaves, aloe, cinnamon and hawthorn.
What is the mechanism of action for the "INHUA Slim" weight loss capsules:
1. The capsules contain extracts from the ingredients of medicinal herbs: balsamic pear, camellia camomile, lotus leaves, aloe, cinnamon and hawthorn, which effectively burn excess fat and absorb the lipids. This helps stimulate metabolism and rapid weight adjustment.
2. Limit the body's ability to absorb excess fat, lipids and sugars, which usually leads to weight gain. "INHUA SLIM" accelerates the conversion of energy and limits the re-accumulation of fat.
3. Destroy cellulite and burn it completely.
"INHUA SLIM" capsules are particularly suitable for: full people and people who are prone to overeating.
Their action is directed directly to: full legs, full stomach, full backs.
Weight loss process:
Two days: you can feel sweating, warm up. This is normal - congratulations! The special decomposing ingredients begin to work and begin the process of decomposing excess fat in your body.
Four days: you will feel satiety and lack of appetite, but you will be vigorous and vigorous, which shows that digested fats have been transformed into energy that is necessary for the body and can satisfy your physical needs.
Ten days: You will find a reduction in the waist and thighs. You will lose from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. Unnecessary fat is accelerated and fats melt faster.
Twenty days: You lose weight significantly in your thighs and your stomach becomes flat. You will lose 1 to 3 kg. Right now the body mass is stable.
Thirty-five days: Your weight is in new, considerably better limits. Feel inner lightness and balance.
How To Control Weight Loss Speed?
1. Question: Why can INHUA SLIM capsules prevent the yo-yo effect?
Answer: The specialty of these capsules is that they are a new generation of high-tech products that can improve metabolism by enabling the yo-yo effect. Along with proper diet and increased physical activity, you can overcome this effect completely. If your fullness is a result of poor nutrition and inadequate physical exercise after using INHUA SLIM, combined with appropriate nutrition and a little more exercise (daily 30-40 minutes walking, for example), you will forget about the so-called " yo-yo effect.
2. Question: Why is the effect of "INHUA SLIM" sometimes very fast and sometimes slower?
Answer: During weight loss there is a period of stagnation that results from the normal adjustment of the body to the effects of the product. You will achieve the desired effect by continuing to take INHUA SLIM slimming capsules.
3. Question: How do we determine whether we are overweight or not?
Answer: You can measure yourself whether you are full or not in the following way:
For women: normal weight, kg = (cm - 105) * 0.95
For men: normal weight, kg = (height cm - 100) * 0.90
You can measure your waist and your body is the right size:
Criteria for completeness: slight overweight is observed at 10% over standard weight, lightweight - 20% higher weight, average fullness - 30% and heavy obesity overweight by more than 50% over standard weight.
For women: a slight full waist - 70 cm, average full waist> 80 cm, very full waist - 88 cm.
For men: slightly waist - 84 cm, medium waist> 94 cm, very full waist - 102 cm.
4. Question: How do we control the rate of weight loss?
Answer: If you want to speed up the weight loss process, you can increase the dose by one capsule, but not more than three capsules at a time. This can increase the speed of weight loss, while maintaining a low-fat and sugary diet. Appropriate physical exercises can also help speed weight loss. And if you want to slow the weight loss, just take one tablet a day.
5. Question: I have been taking the tablets for 3 days but it has no effect, can I increase the daily dose?
Answer: "INHUA SLIM" slimming capsules are a product obtained from medicinal plants. This means that you may not notice the effect immediately after the start of your intake, as with medicines manufactured in a chemical pharmacy plant. Do not despair and continue taking an appropriate dose. Capsules have no known side effects, so if there are no personal reasons, you can increase the dose according to individual needs to increase the effect of weight loss. Here are our suggestions: take 1-2 capsules before breakfast and, if necessary, another 1-2 capsules before dinner.
6. Question: What is safe, healthy weight loss?
Answer: You should never be impatient in the weight loss process. This will lead to discomfort, may even lead to damage to the body. The healthy and safe weight loss rate is 0.75-1.5 kg per week. Therefore, if you take "INHUA-SLIM" according to the instructions, you can take 3-6 kg per month.
7. Question: Can other medicines be taken with INHUA SLIM capsules?
Answer: Yes, you can drink medicines if needed. We recommend that you take "INHUSE SLIM" for at least 1 hour before or after taking the prescribed medicine. In case of doubts and hesitations, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
8. Question: I have been taking the capsules for half a month, I have no unpleasant sensation, I look weaker, but I just dropped 1 kg. How can I explain this?
Answer: Healthy weight loss is mainly related to the reduction in body fat and the fact that you look weaker (you have objectively reduced your waist and thighs) means you achieve the desired effect. The weight loss reported by the weighing scales will also occur when you continue to take cappucillus and follow a healthy diet and movement.
9. Question: Are they suitable for men?