Captain Macaroni Greatest Treasure family entertainment  Dvd


As the crowd gathers for a beautiful day of celebration on Liberty Island, suddenly we find that Pirate Grime has stolen the Greatest Treasure in the World. The island is a mess as people worry and fret that the town will never be the same again. Sandy, Mikey, and Eddie, our heroic threesome, call upon the "greatest hero there is," Captain Mac.A.Roni, and his cream-pie throwing sidekick named Cheese to come to the rescue. The group sets sail to chase down the Pirate Grime and bring the treasure home. Victory appears to be in the hands of Pirate Grime and his sinister assistant Sly the fox when Captain Mac.A.Roni is tricked and all hope seems lost. Can the Greatest Treasure be returned to the people of Liberty, or will darkness loom over the land? Only time will tell.Key Marketing Points:* The Cheesy Adventures of Captain Mac.A.Roni is a new television cartoon series designed to educate and affirm biblical values to children* Created by Daystar Television Network, the fastest growing Christian Television Network in the World second only to TBN.* Currently TCA of Captain Mac.A.Roni is airing as a special feature on Daystar's Global TV Network available in 200 countries And 200 Million homes.* Captain Mac.A.Roni is currently and will continually be promoted on Daystar through interviews with creators, advertising, and special children's segments.*
Disk has been professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.


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