1977 Topps Star Wars Series 4 Green Trading Cards Complete Your Set You U Pick From List 199-264

199 The star warriors aim for action!

200 C-3PO searches for his counterpart

                        201 Raid at Mos Eisley!

202 Inquiring about Obi-Wan Kenobi

203 A band of Jawas

204 Stalking the corridors of Death Star

205 Desperate moments for our heroes!

206 Searching for the missing droid

207b C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) COR

208 Luke Skywalker on the desert planet

209 The Rebel Troops

210 Princess Leia blasts the enemy

211 A proud moment for Han and Luke

212 A stormtrooper is blasted!

213a Monitoring the battle VAR: Two ** next to copyright

214 Luke and Leia shortly before the raid

215 Han bows out of the battle

216 Han and Leia quarrel about the escape plan

217a The Dark Lord of the Sith VAR: Two ** next to copyright

218 Luke Skywalker's home...destroyed!

219 The swing to freedom!

220 "I'm going to regret this!"

221 Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher)

222 "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph"

223 Han Solo covers his friends

224 Luke's secret yen for action!

225 Aunt Beru Lars (Shelagh Fraser)

226 Portrait of a princess

227 Instructing the Rebel pilots

228 R2-D2 is inspected by the Jawas

229 Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing)

230 Guarding the Millennium Falcon

231 Discussing the Death Star's future

232 The Empire strikes back!

233 Raiding the Rebel starship

234 Envisioning the Rebel's destruction

235 Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)

236 Readying the Rebel fleet

237 The deadly grip of Darth Vader!

238 Uncle Owen Lars (Phil Brown)

239 The young star warrior

240 Artoo's desperate mission!

241 The Rebel fighter ships

242 Death Star shootout!

243 Rebels in the trench!

244 Waiting at Mos Eisley

245 Member of the evil Empire

246 Stormtrooper -- tool of the Empire

247 Soldier of evil!

248 Luke suspects the worst about his family

249 Ben Kenobi (Alec Guiness)

250 Luke and Ben on Tatooine

251 An overjoyed Han Solo!

252 The honored heroes!

253 R2-D2 (Kenny Baker)

254 Darth Vader (David Prowse)

255 Luke poses with his weapon

256 The marvelous droid See-Threepio!

257 A pair of Jawas

258 Fighting impossible odds!

259 Challenging the evil Empire

260 Han Solo (Harrison Ford)

261 Fury of the Tusken Raider

262 Creature of Tatooine

263 The courage of Luke Skywalker

264 Star pilot Luke Skywalker


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