Brand new factory sealed flipper disc dvd that is Out Of Print and no longer being manufactured.

COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE: This movie set in contemporary Los Angeles adopts a manner at once offbeat and strangely matter of fact.

Yorga (child actor Robert Quarry) holds seances in his mansion as a means of bringing women under his control, and the plot proceeds under the traditional lines as two women (Donna Anders and Judith Lang) successively fall under the Count's malign spell and a sympathetic doctor (Roger Perry) and Anders' boyfriend (Michael Macready) eventually brave Yorga's stronghold and put an end to the count and Lang, now his chief disciple.

Perry falls victim to the vampires, but Macready manages to rescue Anders. However, in a predictable but nicely timed twist ending, she turns on him to reveal that she too is a vampire.

RETURN of COUNT YORGA: Involving many of the same personnel, but clearly made with a bigger budget.

Starting off with an elaborate sequence in a graveyard, where a horde of ghouls make their appearance, and proceeding to a fancy-dress party at which half the men present seem to be rigged out as Draculas. The narrative design is broadly similar to that of the earlier film, with Yorga (Quarry) using powers of hypnosis to gain control of the heroine (Mariette Hartley), though having her family killed by his subordinates.

Her fiance (Perry) starts an investigation and eventually persuades the police to search Yorga's mansion. This leads to a running battle with the vampires hiding there, at the conclusion of which Perry hurls Quarry to his doom from a balcony. However, in an inversion of the ending of 'Count Yorga, Vampire', he is revealed, in the fade-out clinch with Hartley, to have been vampirized.

The actors all perform well and the result is quite distinctive.