Item Description: RGM-800 Portable Combo Gemological Refractometer with a flashlight and LED internal lightCOMBO LED INTERNAL LIGHT AND OPTIONAL EXTERNAL SLOT FOR A FLASHLIGHT! Comes with instructions! Written by our staff, not converted from another language! Comes with a Gemstone Refractive Index Chart! Comes in a Blue Hard case!
Product Specs: Measuring Range :1.30 - 1.81 RI Illumination : Internal Light Source with momentary/power switch One BRAND NEW RGM-800 Portable Gemological Refractometer in a Blue Hard Case. This handy little piece of equipment tests a gemstone's ability to slow down or bend light. The amount of slowing down it does to a beam of light is called the refractive index. THIS UNIT WILL HELP YOU DETERMINE WHICH GEMS ARE REAL AND WHICH ONES ARE FAKES! THIS UNIT HAS IT'S OWN INTERNAL LIGHT SOURCE AND A SLOT FOR A FLASHLIGHT! How does it work?: The refractometer works by the use of a glass hemicylinder inside that has a flat surface extending into the body of the refractometer. When light is introduced into the back of the unit, it travel through the glass hemicylinder and up to the gemstone, where the stone is in optical contact with the glass by use of a refractive index liquid. This liquid keeps air from between the stone and the glass hemicylinder and allows light to travel at the same speed through the glass, gets refracted by the gemstone, and then back through the glass hemicylinder to the viewing lens. The amount of slowing down or bending of the light that the gemstone does to the light beam, causes a light and dark area joined by a thin green line. This green line is the refractive index reading of the gemstone. Included are:
High Quality!A deal is only a good deal if the quality is excellent and the seller is still around after the sale for any questions you may have! For LARGER ORDERS, please check out our Store! International Clients:
Questions? Larger orders? Please e-mail us! DO YOU NEED MORE EQUIPMENT? CHECK OUT STORE AT WWW.NISUPPLY.COM FOR EVERYTHING THE GEM ENTHUSIAST NEEDS! For inquiries about this product, please contact me at the e-mail address below. National Industrial Supply
We prefer Paypal! We accept Credit Cards via phone, fax or e-mail too!! Compare this unit to Jewelry TV, GIA, AMAZON and more! A GREAT value! |