Issue Date: JANUARY 1983; Volume 99, No.1 "The Magazine for Men" -- Including all the great writers, illustrators, pictorials, vintage advertisements, fashion and more -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 COVER STORY: AN ESQUIRE SPECIAL: DUBIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS OF 1982: PLUS: THE BEST DUBIOUS ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS OF ALL TIME!. First, the awards for 1982. Then, for our fiftieth anniversary, we present the best of the worst of the previous twenty-one years -- ever since the awards were first bestowed. Photo: Elizabeth Taylor: Liz Taylor through the ages: From Glamour Girl to Grandmother! FEATURES: THE SPORTING LIFE: NINE-TO-FIVE POKER, by Peter N. Nelson. In the world of professional poker the extremes are those players who consider it a job and those who stay in the action, always playing high and fast. Somewhere along the line both have exchanged the whole range of human values for a socially recognized but less confusing one: money. ESSAY: THE BROTHERS by Mary Robison. In the Sixties it was her five brothers united against Middle America. They got into trouble but they were cool. They were always leaving for somewhere, coming back, full of urgency, out of breath. How odd to see her brothers grown up. How reassuring to see they sometimes still refuse to be adult. DOCUMENTARY: THE WAR PLANNERS by Jerrold L. Schecter and Leona P. Schecter. There is no formal government description of their job, but their power is real. Unlike the War Planners of past administrations, who worked off in the wings quietly plotting the destruction of our enemies, Reagan's team has assumed center stage. MEN AND WOMEN; "...F0R A MAN YOUR AGE" A SCENARIO FOR A MID-LIFE NIGHTMARE by Stephen Dixon. She thought: "He's twenty-one years older than me." He asked her: "Do you think I look too old for you? Act too old also?" She said: "No. You act young enough. Maybe too young for your age, but not for mine." FASHION: NIGHT GEMS by Vincent Boucher. Nightwear has come a long way since the classic muslin nightshirt. Now a rñan can indulge in elegant and sophisticated loungewear in cotton and silk. After a long, stressful day, he can relax in a dressing gown, smoking jacket, or kimono. Pajamas aren't just for sleeping anymore. FIRST PERSON: THE POWER OF THE TRANCE by Thomas B. Morgan. Is hypnosis just an oddity of the thought process? Or does it represent a more profound aspect of our mentality? Using hypnosis as a form of creative self-therapy, this writer gained control over his fear of failure and the perfectionism that caused him pain. And that was just the beginning. THE LITERARY LIFE: WHY I LIVE WHERE I LIVE by Gene Lyons. This journalist grew up in places where, as Gertrude Stein once said, "there is no there there." Now he lives in Little Rock, the center of nothing more than Arkansas but a place as strongly flavored and provincial as it is possible for an American city to be. FICTION: VICIOUS HEART by Francisco Goldman. Here at the Bistro Psychedelico, the wanderers of the world have found a paradise, the hippest spot in the tropics. The guitars wail, the women sigh and moan, everyone s stoned. Would you think to look here for a city boy running from heartbreak? Would you think the jungle was dangerous? MAN AT HIS BEST: Smart Money: Maps for All Time; A Guiding Hand: Beyond Chianti; Special Places: Top Tours on Snow; The Seasoned Cook: How to Throw a Chili Festival; The Enlightened Traveler: Mind Trips in Big Sur; The Drinking Man: Bubble Worship; Classics: The Tuxedo; Good Thinking: Playing with Money; What Every Man Should Know: How to Furnish the Electronic Cottage. DEPARTMENTS: BACKSTAGE WITH ESQUIRE: Esquire Turns Fifty. UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM by Adam Smith. How Banks Got into Such Trouble. SPORTS CLINIC by Thomas J. Jackson . Happy Trails. OUTDOORS by Geoffrey Norman. Don't Drink the Water. THE SOUND AND THE FURY: Letters from Readers. AMERICAN BEAT by Bob Greene. Miss McNichol Will See You Now. ETHICS: by Laurence Shames. Heels and Heroes. HIGH LIFE by Taki. Manners Make the Man. COVER Photographs: John Delorean, Anthony Howarth/Woodfin Camp; Elizabeth Taylor Armando Pietrangei,I/Globe Photos, Color Realization.Sally Slight; Debra Sue Maffett Miss America Slides. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD + condition (see photo), Approx 8 1/2" X 11" Standard magazine Format. Vintage Esquire magazines are more and more sought after as time goes by, and they are getting more scarce on the market!