Pre-viewed for quality and everything looks like new. These full screen versions are perfect for old school TVs as the image will fill your square frame. Also, the uncompressed audio is superior to the dvd.

TERMINATOR: Schwarzenegger is the part-man, part-machine sent back to 1984 from a nuclear-devasted 2029 ruled by Machines to eliminate the mother of a yet-to-be-born saviour of mankind, Michael Biehn is the guerilla fighter from 2029 who tries to stop him and Hamilton the damsel in distress.

All are excellant as are the special effects (especially Schwarzenegger's phoenix-like rebirth from a blazing wreck at the film's climax). But it is the relentless narrative drive of the movie, in which incident is piled on incident, that is so thrilling.

TERMINATOR 2: Judgement Day has L.A. nuked in what was the ultimate apocalypse scene for years to come.

Schwarzenegger returns as a differant terminator and he promises not to kill people. Linda Hamilton is a muscular and crazed Sarah Connor, and her kid (Edward Furlong) orders Arnold around.

Robert Patrick is the new bad terminator T-1000, a liquid metal transformer disguised as a cop. With a record number of bullets, guns, car crashes, and a hit song from Guns N' Roses.