This is a FREE 33X PENDANT ALBINA CAST with a very powerful spell she that has been handed down for generationa called "The Chosen Path". Albina says that this very POTENT and OLDE spell promotes "assistance with life changes and new directions, providing necessary skills and knowledge to assist "brining forth that what one needs most to achieve desired goals, forward progress and great successes along life's path". Albina says that this spell has three elements:
Following the Light: This first element allows one to "find the best path towards success and fruition of goals". This element will draw in the potent Ancient energies that provide enhanced guidance and wisdom from Spirit Guides and ancestor spirits" to assist one in making the best choices and decisions by offering one their wisdom as well as an amplification of one's own inherent wisdom and skills! This newfound knowledge and guidance will allow one to "know which way to turn, what is most needed" and what one should "let go of" in order to gain the most efficient and successful path towards achieving that which is desired!
Empowered Action: This second element provides the bearer with "control of actions" by drawing in the energies that provide order and organization of action and thought processes. This will allow the bearer to move forward "without recklessness", promotes thoughtful endeavors paired with a sense of "peace and understanding" and allows one to take action without fear or apprehension when entering into the "unknown". The energies will also provide one with a "charge of energy" that offers endurance and motivation as one puts one's newfound methods and practices into action. Albina says that 'one will feel as if one has 'done this before' even when partaking in new and unfamilar tasks and when utilizing new skills!
Chest of Wisdom: The Final element of this spell will draw in the energies that grant one "vast"knowledge and many powers to achieve the "absolutely necessary skills and information that will allow one to flow with ease through transitions and new experiences" while following the path towards one's chosen desired goal. This element also assists in rectifying problematic situiations as well as granting insight into why one initially experienced difficulties at all. Albina says that this will allow one to "correct and cease any behaviors or actions that were not working towards one's greatest benefits". She says that this final element will "assure enhanced strengths and skills that will catapult one forward and towards meeting that which is desired!"
Albina says thst one should wear or carry this piece for at least 2-3 weeks in order for the Magickal's energies to align with one's own. She also says that she "dreamt that there were those who could greatly benefit from this magick as she feels there are many "dear ones' who have been experiencing a feeling of being 'weighed down and held back" from meeting their most beneficial goals in life. My Blessings to Albina for all of her time and talents!!'