Historic New Orleans Print on 175 Year Old Slate Tile by Don Davey (1976)
Entitled “MAISON DE VILLE COURTYARD, this is uniquely crafted to combine history and art; this is a B&W print of a historic building in New Orleans on a roofing tile that is from the same area and is 175 years old. On the back is a description of the piece.
Roofing Slate
There slates were mined in Pennsylvania and floated down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers on rafts. There were used for roofing material after the disastrous fine which occurred on Good Friday, March 21, 1799. Each one was individually hand shaped. This one came from an old building in New Orleans.
The slate tile measures 7" x 9" and the attached print is 5" x 7". It is in excellent condition.
Many on-line booksellers describe their books using a grading system which, despite best efforts and intent, is often subjective and disappointing. MOST OF MY BOOKS ARE NEW , or like new - high quality material; no book club editions, no ex library volumes. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED and I’ll make every effort to make it so.
Given this, books are available at a fraction of the prices you’d find at even the best discounted merchants. If you find a similar title listed for less elsewhere , the chances are that the shipping and handling charges will marginalize that "bargain” or that the condition is not the same. .
Almost always, unless you request otherwise, books will be shipped by MEDIA MAIL. This is a weight based service and I try to be accurate. There’s no handling charge, no hidden fees and I’ll get back to you if you write.
FEEDBACK: Most welcomed, but please use common sense. Unless you have less intelligence than the pistachio nut, contact me immediately with any issue you may have. Please don’t engage in thoughtless knee-jerking! You will always do well if you talk to me first!
A NOTE ABOUT NEW BOOKS THAT ARE NOT RECENTLY PUBLISHED: Some books listed as new are indeed new, but were published several years ago. These are from new old stock, meaning that the book has never been used but may have wear from long term storage.
A NOTE ABOUT ANTIQUARIAN AND COLLECTIBLE BOOKS: Since the proper evaluation can not be done without several detailed photos, they will be provided upon inquiry or expression of interest.
Refunds: I have no set policy since every case is different but I guarantee satisfaction. I make every effort to accommodate you. In general: no fuss, and no problem but must be returned in the original condition within 10 days of receipt. Items that have been removed from their original sealed wrap (CDs, Books, etc that were in blister packs) will be credited at 80 % of item’s price.
Once out of my control, I can’t assume responsibility in the event of loss or damage of uninsured items in transit so I recommend that the buyer purchase insurance for high value items.
I DON’T CHARGE FOR BOOKS TO THE MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN THE ARMED SERVICES or for people trying to cope with a threatening or life changing illness. You have enough on your plate - just cover the shipping and handling.
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: Items weighing under 4 pounds are shipped First class international, which is a fairly economic way to ship. Anything over 4 pounds must be shipped Priority International, which can be very costly, so be sure to contact me about finding the least costly way to ship.
PRIORITY MAIL. This is generally okay for most books but the book must fit into a especially sized envelope, so large books or oversized books will not generally fit. Also, the service is not available for every country.
I would appreciate it if Canadian buyers use Postal Money Order in US FUNDS, please. I am always interested in hearing from foreign sellers who may wish to buy in quantities- in fact, I will discount larger shipments. Our shipping and handling charges for Canadian and other international orders do not include taxes, duties, or brokerage fees. These taxes and fees are the sole responsibility of the recipient
International Shipping: Unless requested to use another carrier , shipping will be by US Postal Service -First Class International or Priority International
Please bear in mind that there can be customs delays on your shipment.
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