Alert seller that you wish to chat
Most sellers will only want to be called to chat if you have serious interest in making a purchase from them. If you have a general question that is not time-sensitive, you might just want to send the seller a message.
What message would you like to send to the seller?
Oops! Something went wrong
There was an error summoning the seller to this booth. Perhaps you have exceeded your limit of emails sent for the day?
Your request has been sent!
A notification has been sent to malnox about your wish to chat with them. If they are available, they should be around within 5-10 minutes.
If they aren't around, they will probably respond to your inquiry over email once they're available.
Paste Item Into Chat
You can use this window to paste an item from the current seller's booth into their chat window. Just enter the item ID (see right picture) of the item you wish to paste into chat:
Note that you can paste an item into chat without using this dialog box if you type "@item [item number]" into the chat text box. For example, entering "I like this item @item 1234" would paste the item with ID 1234 into the chat box, after your chat text, assuming item #1234 was a "for sale" item in the booth you entered that line.
Item DiscountsNone
Handling timeNot specified

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